
After Story 2: Chapter 2

"Mr. Rabbit said he wants to play with daddy."

"Really? Then what about my little princess?"

"Loupie also wants to play with daddy! Hmm... Oh! With grandpa too!"

"I see. Then what do you want to play now?"

"Mr. Rabbit and Loupie want to play hide and seek, daddy!"

"Alright. Then I will count up to twenty. You and Mr. Rabbit should start looking for a place to hide."

"Okay, daddy!"

Without wasting more time, little Penelope starts looking for a hiding spot. Penelope looks adorable as she runs while hugging Mr. Rabbit, her old stuffed doll, in her short arms. With a smile, Clementine starts counting up to twenty in a loud voice. The moment he reached the last number, he turns around and starts looking for his daughter.

"Hmm... This is hard. I cannot find Loupie anywhere." Clementine said.

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