

Three days later, Finnea invited Penelope to their mansion. She said her brother can now stand up and move a little after he rests his body for a long time. Penelope accepted her invitation and prepares a small gift that she can bring to Relias.

When she arrives at their mansion, Finnea happily welcomes Penelope by surprising her with a tight hug. Once again, meeting her is like a blessing in their family. She already did a lot of good things for them and Finnea doesn't know how to repay her kindness.

Penelope automatically smiles when she sees Finnea smiling again. It's been a while since her friend becomes happy like this. To share her happiness, Penelope hugs Finnea back and they stay like that for a while.

"Loupie, thank you so much! If not for you, I don't know what will happen to my brother." Finnea said after she loosen her arms around Penelope's back.

"You should thank Yuriel instead of me. He's the one who contributed a lot."

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