

"Dad! I'm back!"

Penelope opens the door with a huge smile on her face. Yuriel is following her from behind and still holding the tray of food in his hands. The young wizard quietly puts the tray on the table and stays in the corner so he cannot disturb Penelope's time with her father.

Duke Clementine turns his head and sees his daughter again. He tries to sit up but Penelope quickly stops him. She reminds him not to move too much since he still needs to rest his body. The healer who is staying with the duke tacitly gives them some space and stays with Yuriel at the corner.

"How are you, dad?" Penelope asked.

"I'm fine." Clementine automatically replied. "I feel better than yesterday."

"...That's good to hear, dad."

That's a lie. And Penelope knows it. Still, she did not try to point it out and instead follow her father's line of conversation.

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