

Relias was asked by his mother to bring a pair of flat shoes to his sister in the Royal Palace. As a lady who also experienced the preparation needed for their first debut, Duchess Mendia knows that her young daughter is probably tired right now. The duchess also remembered that Finnea is wearing a pair of high heels today. So to lessen her daughter's burden, Duchess Mendia sends her oldest son to bring the shoes to his sister.

Relias did not know the reason why his mother asked him to do it, but he still agreed to it thinking this can also be his chance to meet his sister's new friend. Ever since Finnea returned from the Royal Palace the other day, all of them noticed that she becomes energetic and giddy all the time. When they asked her why, Finnea informed them that Young Lady Dresvil asked if they can become friends. As a child who never experienced having someone befriending her, Finnea is surely excited.

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