

When night came, Ronald sneak inside Clementine's office again. This time, he finally succeeds in opening its door. He asked his friends yesterday and they did not disappoint him as usual. They quickly found a wizard that can create a key that may open a door with lock magic once.

Using the key, it quickly fits into the keyhole. And when Ronald twists the doorknob, a smile appeared on his face when it finally opens. He looks around first to see if there is anyone who can see him before entering the office. He doesn't want anyone to see him again, especially that half-blood daughter of Clementine.

Closing the door quietly, Ronald immediately starts looking around the office to find the blueprint that he needs. It is the blueprint of the school that Clementine is planning to build by next month. He already showed it to him once so Ronald is already familiar with what it looks like.

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