

After Penelope calms down, Lisa helps her change the nightdress she's wearing. She also wipes her body using a soft towel and warm water to make her feel refreshed. After that, Lisa carefully brushes he hair and start braiding it.

"Nanny, are you okay?" Penelope asked. "You have no more ouchies on your face?"


Now that she finally collected herself and makes herself calm, Penelope finally asks about her nanny's condition. Her dad mentioned that he send her nanny to the healer earlier. Although the bruise on her nanny's face is no longer there, Penelope still wants to make sure that she's completely okay.

"Thank you for asking, little miss." Lisa replied with a smile. "I don't have any more ouchies on my face. The healers who treated me are so good."

"Oh! Then Loupie is happy because nanny is now okay!" beamed Penelope.

"What about you, little miss? Are you also okay?"

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