

"Let me get out of this place! I want to see my daughter. Where did you bring her?!"

Amanda's throat is starting to hurt because she keeps on shouting ever since those mysterious knights brought her into the dungeon. She cannot explain the situation inside of this dungeon. Although the knights brought her to a decent-looking prison, everywhere still feels so damp especially the bed on the side that is covered with a sack. There's also a chilling cold that penetrates through her crumpled dress and she can also smell a foul odor from the prison cells nearby that always makes her feel like vomiting every second.

Because of the poor condition of this place, the knights decided to separate Emilia from her mother and bring her to a cleaner room. Although Duchess Amanda is suspected to be the mastermind behind the kidnapping attempt against the Royal Advisor's biological daughter, they are still mindful of the fact that she's still the wife of Young Duke Dresvil. They cannot just decide recklessly on what to do about her. And so, the knights put Duchess Amanda in the most decent prison inside the dungeon and wait for their superior's order on what to do next.

Getting tired, Amanda let out a huff and massage her temples. She is starting to feel uncomfortable because of her environment as well as the thick layer of her dress that makes her whole body perspire. Fanning herself with her hand, Amanda sits on a stool near the door. Taking a deep breath, she starts thinking of what to do next.

The arrival of those knights was very unexpected for her. Of all days, why did those knights decide to use that road? Amanda specifically choose to take that route today because she knows that roads are rarely used by the nobles now. Ever since the infrastructure of their kingdom has improved, most of the people are now using the road made of bricks to keep their travel smooth and safe.

She even made a perfect alibi to say why they decided to take the road near the forests today. After making sure that Penelope will no longer return to their lives, Amanda will tell Clementine that it was the coachman who suggested for them to take that road. She will make it look like their coachman is one of those men. But because of a conflict in money, those men killed the coachman and quickly escaped towards the forest.

But everything is now ruined. That little girl escaped from her miserable death, the ruffians she hired were captured and she is now detained in this narrow room without knowing what is happening outside. They even separated Emilia from her. Biting her nail, Amanda is trying to make another plan to clean her name in this situation.

Amanda has nothing to worry about those ruffians. Although those men are all receiving a lot of dirty jobs from their clients, they are also known for their reputation of not telling anyone about the person who paid them. When Amanda hired them, she also made sure those men knows how to keep their mouths shut before she add more money to her payment. At least it can lessen the worries plaguing her mind.

Now she has to think of a good excuse how to explain her side. At this point, Amanda is certain that Penelope and her nanny babbled to her husband one-sidedly. Clementine's attention is all focused on his daughter, so he must have believed her. It is already expected that Clementine is fuming in anger right now.

Amanda cannot help but feel panicked because of it. She has never seen Clementine's anger within the two years of their marriage. She only knows how her husband act when he's irritated or frustrated with his work. But he is good at keeping his emotions at bay probably because of his position as the king's adviser.

Forcing herself to calm down, Amanda takes a few deep breaths and puts a hand on her chest. Everything is still under her control. She is the Duchess of the Dresvil family. If Amanda will say the right words, then she can easily escape from this messy situation.

While trying to compose herself, the heavy doors suddenly open. When she turns around, Amanda sees Clementine who quietly enters the room. In an instant, Amanda's eyes suddenly turn glassy, her teardrops are now clinging to her long lashes. Without any hesitation, she runs toward her husband and wraps her arms around his neck.

"Clementine..." Amanda calls his name pitifully. "Clementine, it's good that you are here now."

Tightening her hug, Amanda rest her head on his chest and slowly let out a shaky breath.

"Clementine, what is happening? Why did they put me here?"

When Clementine did not reply, Amanda close her eyes and let the tears flow down her cheeks. Based on the investigation she conducted, Clementine always has a soft spot for crying women. He will not let her feel more suffering as long as she perfects her acting in front of him.

"And Penelope! How is she?!" Amanda asked with shaking hands. "Is she okay? Did she receive any injuries?!"

Clementine is still not saying anything. Taking this chance, Amanda makes herself more pitiful in front of him. She even forced herself to let out a sob that can make her look more fragile in this situation.

"And where did they bring our daughter?! She is now probably scared because I am not on her side right now."

"Our daughter?" Clementine finally asked.

"Emilia." Amanda replied. "The knights pulled her away from me earlier. I don't know where they brought her and I'm so worried now."

"I see." He slowly replied.


"Don't worry. My daughter is now safe. She is currently staying in the room that King Galia arranged for her."

"I see." Amanda replied. But soon, she noticed that something is wrong.

"Who are we talking about here, Clementine?"

But before Amanda can look at his face, Clementine suddenly pulls her away from him with force and throw her on the bed nearby. Amanda let out a squeak in surprise. Fortunately, she did not hit her head on the walls.

"Clementine, w-why did you—"


Clementine suddenly let out a sigh and run his fingers through his hair. He soon loosens the cravat around his neck before rolling his neck. When Clementine looks in her direction again, there is a scary glint in his eyes that Amanda had never seen before.


"What a pity." Clementine cuts her off. "If only you behave according to my wishes, then I can make sure that you and Emilia will have a good life."

Amanda is stunned silly on the bed. She tries to open her mouth to speak but no words came out of it. She suddenly feels lost in this situation. Why is her husband acting like a different person now?

Clementine slowly walks towards her. Amanda tries to avoid him but her legs are trembling in fear. She knows that Clementine is a gentle person who cannot hurt anyone. But why does she feels so cold and scared while staring at his blank expression? Amanda suddenly yelps in pain when Clementine pinches her chin and forces her to look at his face.

"Now, Amanda. I think we have a lot of things to talk about right now. Yeah?"

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