
New York (The Sorcerer Supreme III) Part 15

I call the children and they come to my side, I look at the Ancient One and tell her:

"Then I'll bother you for a while"

The Ancient One just smiles and says:

"Wong, make a path"

The man next to the Ancient One, Wong, nods his head and creates a portal.

When the children saw the portal, they looked at me.

Seeing their doubts, I calm them down and tell them to go through the portal and I'll see them later. Laura also helps convince them.

In the end the children advanced through the portal.

When all the children except Laura had already passed through the portal the Ancient One says:

"Solve your problems and come to this address, the children will wait for you there"

Then she and Wong also went through the portal and disappeared.

While I was patting Laura's head to calm her down, Professor Xavier approaches to say goodbye.

"Well, young Alex, we're leaving too" says the Professor.

I look at the Professor and thank him for his support, as I say goodbye.

Laura looks at Logan who was leaving and says:

"Take care father"

Logan upon hearing her words freezes, then looks at me and growls saying:

"Boy, take care of her or I'll make you regret it"

The other members of the X-Men only let out a small laugh.

Then they left.

At some point Elektra had disappeared too, well, I don't worry too much about that woman.

While I was thinking, I notice that Nick Fury and his group approach me.

The SHIELD men began to secure the area.

I also see a group board Natasha's quinjet and get off with handcuffed Kraven and Kimura.

When I see those two, I was surprised, I had forgotten that we had captured them.

But seeing that the SHIELD men took them, I didn't worry anymore.

When Fury is in front of me, he says:

"We finally meet in person Alex Wayne, let me introduce myself, I am the current director of SHIELD, Nick Fury"

After finishing his introduction, he speaks again.

"And for the children it seems that my help is no longer necessary, if that woman is the one who supports you"

Hearing that, I realize that not only Charles and Magneto have met the Ancient One before, but Fury also seems to know her.

But I didn't ask, instead I look at Fury and say:

"Fury, do me a favor"

After a moment of silence, Fury asks:

"What favor?"

"Give me a free ride to Washington, D.C."

Next chapter