
The consequences?

"And who might you be?"

Asked a blonde policewoman, who was slightly shorter than me, she was currently writing something on a paper that looked suspiciously like documents of arrest. No need to know how I know that.

"I'm her brother..."

She rose an eyebrow.

"I'm here to bail her out."

She rose another eyebrow and looked at Yang who was sitting behind the bars, waiting to be transferred to the police station, then at me.

Sighing, she stood up and walked over to a shelf and took out some papers.

"Sign here, here and here, you can pay with your scroll."

When I wrote my second name, She raised an eyebrow. Rolling my eyes I just shrug.

"Half siblings."

Nodding she extended a device that I hovered my scroll over.

Three thousand and four hundred. If this is how much it takes to bail out a seventeen-year-old, I don't want to think about how much it would cost to bail out an adult.

I watched with a bland look as yang walked out, rubbing her head sheepishly. I threw her helmet at her and turned around.

"Come on, I don't have all night."

She stayed silent as she trailed behind me, walking out of the police station, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Since when do you have a motorcycle?"

Rolling my eyes, I took the helmet in both my hands.

"Got it today, saved up enough money from my editing job."

She frowned at the explanation and looked at my helmet.

"How did you bail me out?"

I dug around in my pocket for a bit and took out my keys.

"That's also the money I saved up. Dad shouldn't know about this since I got you out, they didn't have time to call him..."

She looked thankful for a moment, but I was about to crush her impression eight about-

"Qrow will know though, and im not bailing you out again."


She pouted at me.

Finally reaching the parking lot, I noticed that the contraction that held the front wheel of bumblebee was now open. This was common for every police station, if there was a parking lot, some of the spaces had a contraction that prevented the vehicles from being used to escape.

Pretty useless if you ask me.

Slinging a leg over my bike, I put on the helmet and start the engine.

"... If you reach the Docks before me, you won't owe me money."

I drove off. Ignoring Yang's protests.

-A few hours later-

"So you managed to end up in a police station?"

Out uncle asked Yang who sat on the couch in the living room, Tai was out, if he heard this Yang wouldn't be able to leave the house until it was time to leave for Beacon and she could also say goodbye to bumblebee.

I absentminded petted Zwei's head while enjoying the show.


Yang answered quietly while scratching her head.





the three of us looked at the older man like he grew a second head. What did he mean by "Nice"? I had to bail her out otherwise it was jail or a call to dad.

" Uh- I mean, Young woman, that is very responsible, you should be ashamed of yourself!"

He slammed a hand down on the armrest in mock anger... Slumped down, looked over at the TV and continued watching.

... This fucker!

"You know what? Fuck this, Im going to go find out if I can focus my semblance on guns, then design a gun if it actually does."

Fuck this shit! I'm out!

If I can superheat my swords and shoot flames each time I swing, I can do it with a gun too, right?

-The next day-

Turns out, that channelling my semblance into any kind of gun turns it into a flamethrower. A very effective one, but still a flamethrower.

If I wanted a burst, I could do it with my semblance, the trigger became just a cosmetic.

I mean, I could be a minigun if I did finger guns, why did I need guns for?

So my plans of making a handgun were ruined... Not like I needed any anyway. Still a little disappointing though.

Sighing, I put down the pistol on the table and turn around, heading out the door of the shooting range of Signal.

Guess I just have to stick to casting fireballs. Heh... You're a wizard, Roy... heh.

Chuckling like a lunatic, I walk down the hall.

"Mind sharing the joke with the class?"

Taiyang asked from one of the classrooms.

"Yes, I do, actually."

Next chapter