

{BREAKING NEWS Tony stark, the billionaire philanthropist playboy has gone MISSING}

Sighing I turn off the news. Tony stark as been abducted, funnily enough Stane wanted to hire my people, but we don't do abductions.

I have already bought a shit tone of stock in stark industries as soon as I got the news. I now own 3% of the company it doesn't seem like a lot but, 3% of a multi billion dollar company is still 3% and I'm not even factoring how much I will own after Tony announces to the world that he will stop selling weapons.

Now onto more pressing matters it seems that the facility lost its little killing machine. And Laura Kinney will be a great asset to the league.

I have to move now. Some idiot leaked the info about her so I can guarantee shield,hydra, and many other players will be making a move.

Quickly shadow walking into my base I call Yelena, Bullseye, Elektra and John. Once they have come forward I said "listen we need to get this girl to join us her name is Laura Kinney and she has been experimented on her whole life" adding on I said "listen if we don't get her then she will either be a tool for another organization or experimented on. We are her best option right now.So gear up"

After spreading my shadows across the city I finally found Laura surrounded by a whole squad of agents and more approaching.

Turning to the rest I said "follow me"

—narrator pov—

In an alley a young girl was facing off against 10 highly trained agents

"Grrrr" letting out a low growl she rushed towards one slicing cleanly through his neck

Before she could reach the others four figures Emerged from the shadows instantly killing four more. Before the others processed what happened the people that came from the shadows moved in and killed the rest.


A new women entered the fight knocking the clawed one down

"Thought you could escape X-23" she said

In response the girl now known to be X-23 lunged at her Continuing the brawl.

More people started to rush the alley fully armed occupying the shadow warriors. Suddenly in the middle of the alley a plague doctor emerges from the shadows.

"Oh my Kimura in the flesh" his creepy voice echoed throughout the alley

——pov Mc——

Not waiting for her to respond. Conjuring shadows I pulled Laura to safety and tried to restrain Kimura, she phased through it like I expected.

"Who the fuck are you" she hissed out

Not responding, I rushed at her already in my jinn form.


I reached her in seconds and punched her in the temple catching her off guard.


She flew back into a couple of trash cans

"Ugh bastard" she spat out

"Sorry love I can't stay to entertain you" I said to her my voice coming out demonic

Turning around to Laura I quickly restrain her and we disappear into the shadows. Singling the rest to leave.

——-scene change—

Appearing back at the base I turn to bullseye, Elektra, and John who also came back.

"Where is Yelena" I asked in a tone cold

Everyone stayed silent for a few seconds

"She stayed behind locked in battle with Natasha" Elektra finally spoke up

"Hahaha silly girl wants to play catch up with her sister it seems" I said

"Grrrrr" a low growl pulled me out of my thoughts making me turn to origin of the growl

Walking over to her I said "Laura right? Let me offer you a deal of a lifetime you get revenge on those who wronged you, a semi normal life and maybe some friends. You won't be treated as a thing you are a person with her own personality" adding I said "and all you have to do is say 'I Laura Kinney swear my undying loyalty'"

"Now before you shake my hand remember this is for LIFE"

"Grrrr will you help me kill them all" she asked

"Yes I will"

"Then I Laura Kinney swear my undying loyalty" she said clasping my hand

"Good, welcome to the League of shadows! Please feel free to use all the facilities and mingle with the others they should be able to give you an idea on how things work." I said before adding on "Laura this is the start of your journey it won't be easy but sure will be full of surprises"

Ah she is a delicate one to handle but the payoff will be huge. Now I must fetch a stray tsk tsk Yelena not following orders now are we?

—-scene change Yelena pov before they left—-

As I was absolutely demolishing these idiots I catch a mess of red hair making it's way over. quickly finishing the weakling. I covered my body in shadows and rushed towards her.


She blocked my fist and tried to sweep my leg, jumping she nearly missed me.

Backing off a bit she said "so the elusive League of Shadows is after a little girl?"

Not responding I control the shadows in an attempt to bind her.



Natasha barely managed to dodge all of them and rushed at me again




We traded blows back and forth. Suddenly I felt the signal from doc to retreat. Not paying it any mind I kept fighting my sister.

Finally I restrained her with a shadow and landed a roundhouse kick on her temple. While she was zoning in and out from unconsciousness I hummed the tune of American pie.

Before I could leave on my own the shadows around my sucked me in.


I appeared in the middle of the bases training room with doc right in front of me. Knowing he was probably furious i quickly said "I haven't seen her in a while boss I'm sorry but I didn't let my identity slip"

"I know you didn't but humming the tune of American pie as a hint really?" He replied in his signature cold creepy voice

How did he know?? Damn it.

"Boss I'm sorry" my voice couldn't remain calm

"I know you are it's not the biggest deal but I expect you to leave when I say leave. GoT It~?" He continued on to say "okay I get it was a special moment so the only punishment you will have is a little pain and you will have to show Laura around. Listen Yelena she's been through a lot so be nice even if she seems mean at first"

Wow he really cares about people sometimes huh.

"Arghhhhh" pain assaulted my body.

it felt like Eternity but was only 10 seconds

"Will this happen again" his voice echoing across the room

"Haa No sir haa" I managed to sound out whilst panting

"Good." Was all he said sinking into the shadows

——pov Mc——

What a tiering day at least I got Laura into the League bad thing is that the League is definitely on the radar of some big players now which for some reason excites me.

Appearing in my car I drive the rest of the way home trying to think of any possible strategies I could implement in the future. Suddenly my car pulled to a stop in my drive way, it seems my body was in auto pilot the whole drive.

Walking into the house I was just on time for dinner.

Sitting at the table I asked Harry and Felicia how there day was

"It was good dad me and MOM just relaxed and played games after school" Harry replied making sure he said mom

Okay this kid knows what he's doing for sure.

"Hahaha seems like a chill day. Mine on the other hand was so boring, paperwork really is the greatest threat to my health" I replied

"Hmm I know of a way to help that" Felicia says eyes full of lust

"*cough* um you'd have to tell me about it later" I said

Harry just looked at us with pure amusement, god this kid is evolving.

Later that night me and Felicia where cuddling in my bed turning to her I asked "so do you want to tell Harry about us?"

"Hm I think he already knows but I feel like we should anyways" she responded

"I agree" I said taking her lips in mine

—-scene change pov Natasha romonoff—

I awoke to the sight of white walls. Looking around I noticed I'm in a shield infirmary room. It seems the doctors noticed I was awake they made a quick call and told me to sit tight.

I might be crazy but I'm sure I heard that assassin hum the tune of American pie just like Yelena and me would. No it couldn't be Yelena I can't bring myself to believe it.


The sound of the infirmary door opening drew me out of my thoughts, looking up I saw director fury storming in, angrier than usual.

"Natasha tell me the details of what happened" he demanded

"Sir it went like this…" I recounted everything I saw "and then the plague doctor looking man disappeared with the mutant and the rest followed but one. We fought and she beat me in the end."

"Hm these bastards seem to be everywhere recently" fury spoke in a angry tone

"I agree, I wonder what their agenda is" I replied

"Tch we will find out soon I hope" he scoffed before leaving

———scene change Narrator—-

As Kimura made her way back to the facility she collapsed, foam spewing out of her mouth,blue lines cascading throughout her body.

———-scene change Mc next day ——

As me and Felicia decided to freely express our relationship we walked down to breakfast together. Harry seeing us grew a smirk on his face and said "Glad you and mom decided to stop hiding it from me"

"Stop being so cheeky brat. Go get ready for school" I responded with a sly smile

"Fine fine fine" he said running upstairs to get into his school cloths

Sighing Felicia said "Harry's a smart one isn't he"

"Yup gets it from his dad, I bet he somehow orchestrated this whole thing" I replied giving her a light peck on the lips

"Yes yes Harry is definitely evil mastermind material" she said letting out a light giggle


After Harry went off to school I drove to my office. Today n-26 has finally came to fruition we are now allowed to start testing the drug on willing people.

Stepping into the elevator I see dr.Jacob's is in it as well, turning to him I say "doctor are you ready for today?"

"Yes I am Mr.Osborn today is the day n-26 will get the recognition we have all worked so hard for" he replied with a jovial smile

Patting his back I said "we all believe in you doctor, don't let us down"


"Ah that's me Mr.Osborn pleasure as always" Dr.Jacob's said leaving the elevator

After a day of paperwork and reports I head to the base after habitually equipping my outfit. Walking throughout the base I spotted Laura, as I walk up to her she turned to face me.

"Good evening Laura, how are you liking this place?" I asked

"Fine" she replied curtly

"Well if there is anything I can do to make it more comfortable please let me know" I said while walking into the training room her following behind me

"How about a spar I will only use my cane no shadows and you can use anything" I offers her

"Grrrr" she replied I'm guessing that's a yes though


She rushed towards me claws fully extended. She tried to swipe at my right side


Seeing that I blocked it with my cane she used her left claw to try and stab me


Pulling the dagger out of my cane I parry the blow and send a kick to her midsection, no way to dodge she is forced to take it


Laura was launched back from my kick, doing a flip midair she landed a few feet away

We trained for a bit longer then called it quits.

Seeing that she has calmed down a bit I asked her "do you regret joining me"

Turing to me she says "no"

Letting out a chuckle I said "good because regret is only for the weak and foolish"


A/N kimuras outside skin is super tough and she can phase through things. Mc only needed to land one hit on her. Hope you enjoyed this chapter it's a longer one. I proof read a couple times hope it came out good I had a great time writing this chapter.

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