
Worries And Woes

"If you're still replaying what Yini said in your mind, don't," Vy whispered to her. 

Sierra glanced over at her, "Did you?" 

"I did. For a time. Then I realized I shouldn't let it govern what I do," she explained as she looked forward. 

"Easier said than done," Sierra glanced back at Alistair, letting out a sigh as she turned back to look at the path ahead of her, "I'm fearing the worst."

Even with all that Alistair had done to secure their relationship, she still had her doubts. Now that the truth of her identity had been revealed, things were going to be different. She was no longer seen by others as a royal. 

She was just the knightess who won the King's heart. She did not have to hear the whispers and rumors to know firsthand that some of the nobility saw her as nothing but a harlot. A siren who sunk her claws into the King. 

She hated that. 

She wanted them to see her for who she truly was, just like how Alistair saw her. 

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