
Chapter 47: Black and White (7)

~Third POV~

After some time explaining to the two about Albus' situation to them and talking about some other subjects they began to relax for a bit before Albus saw that the two of them are healed sighing out a breath of relief.

When they were healed, he handed the both of them some weapons he took from the White Fang thugs as he told the two, "There. These weapons aren't your go-to style, but beggars can't be choosers here. Just provide for me support for the time being till we can get your weapons replacements."

The two nodded as they both began to enter the outside the back gates of the cellar, they were in thanks to Albus MAP functions providing them a way out through another means. Going through the other way they managed to secure a path to escape as they finally reached their destination.

Once they got outside they can see the place was filled with some blood from the area as well as somebody's parts Blake and Weiss gasped at the scene making Albus flinch shaking his head away while his <Gamer Mind> calms him down.

They only went outside once they knew of the coming to pass danger as Blake asked Albus in a serious tone, "Albus… did you – "

Interrupting her Albus replied regretfully about his actions his voice as he replied while looking for a vehicle to leave, "No. I only needed the Grimm to distract them causing enough of a disturbance. Not… just not to this level I would imagine. I only had I have to save you two in my mind and disregarded everything else…"

Blake sighs at this but doesn't exactly blame Albus for the actions he took as she tries to place herself in his situation of what he could've done or what was the better alternative. But in the end, though she thought to herself bitterly, 'Sigh… it simply too impossible to decide on what was right or wrong here. He knew there was I and Weiss lives on the line and chose….'

Releasing a breath of frustration there was clearly too little choice for him to choose in this scenario to know what was right or wrong. For now, she let it go as he did save her life from meeting Adam again.


A shiver ran down Blakes's spine thinking of the complication of that scenario happening…

Weiss, on the other hand, was very relieved to have survived what happened to her while resentful to the Faunus – no the White Fang she saw how her father clearly affected them.

No on how they affected her.

Remembering the words of Albus from earlier ling around her mind she knew what she had to do as she thinks to herself, 'If I want to reclaim my family name… I need to get my father off his control over it but how?'

Thinking of that is the first step for Weiss to grow up after the eventful experience she had this week being beaten up for being a Schnee.

As they observed the area they managed to find a hovercar they smiled at this seeing a ride as they enter inside Albus checked the inside as he spoke, "Looks like there is some fuel here for us to use. Even if it's halfway there are bound to be some ways to Vale from here."

Nodding at this Blake takes the wheel as she grabs it then Albus and Weiss give her questioning looks before she replied with a raised eyebrow, "What? I have been on ground missions with the Fang before? I know how to ride a hovercar?"

The two just shrugged at this while nodding their heads.


"Fair enough."

Like that they let Blake drive the hovercar as they took off away from the former White Fang camp as they began to travel down the road…

Of course, the road was also placed with random Dust in the area for Albus to pick up using his telekinesis skill and placing them inside his inventory.

Seeing this Wiess raised her eyebrows at this curiously as she asked him honestly, "Seriously? Do items seriously just randomly appear for you to use even Dust showing up?"

Smug looked expressed on his face as he nodded collecting more Dust on the ground as they drove more to the Vale Kingdom gates in the distance while taking out some water from his inventory.

Handing some of the water bottles to them they took it as Blake spoke to Albus curious about his inventory, "So… I guess you really do have powers of a gaming character. Honestly, I'm still surprised by the fact you have an Inventory? How much can you even hold?"

Albus for the life of him shrugged at this as he replied to Blake that not even, he knew the answer to it, "Honestly? No clue since I haven't gotten to a limit yet. Might be limitless perhaps?"

Before they could continue more of their talks a bunch of Bullheads appeared in the sky as they shined light at the hovercar making the three sigh in relief seeing the Vale Kingdom symbol on them knowing they have been rescued.

They were VERY lucky to get out of the situation.

Later on the day, the three were taken in for questioning for why they were taken to begin with since Albus activated his Scroll SOS signal to help them out.

The texting from Albus to Ruby also helped Ozpin send some of his forces to help recollect them from the trouble they were in.

Ozpin made sure to interrogate the three of what happened as well as the events that have been honest of what they did or more specifically Albus did as well as what they were doing prior before they were abducted.

Ozpin took in their testimony as he allowed the three to rest at the medical room for the night inside Beacon Medical Nurse Office to make sure he keeps them safe of what transpired. Of course, he notified their teams of what happened.

Not all of it but just enough and denied them access to meet their friends till they recover and have their mental states in check with some therapy… for at least Weiss and Blake as for Albus will be just relaxing.

Hearing the testimony of him being immune to serious or ill mental effects as well as keeping a calm mind he himself wanted Albus to have time to relax and contemplate his actions.

Of course, he offered some therapy should Albus request some help he is able to receive along with Weiss and Blake after the event they went through but for the time being they were given a week off classes till they were recovered.

~Albus POV~

Already dissolving the party and taking the time to relax a bit since it's already night I was by myself with Weiss and Blake already getting some therapy sessions in check after the event they went through.

And speaking of events… looks like I finally completed the quest it seems.

[You got 300 Exp.]

[You got 2000 Lien]

[You unlocked Shop Function]






Name: Albus Goodwitch

Class: The Gamer

Title: Supporter

Level: 33 Next Lv.: 40.0%

HP: 1650/1650

AP: 825/825

STR: 64+3= 67

AGI: 62+3= 65

VIT: 65+3= 68

INT: 76+3= 79

WIS: 72+3= 75

LUCK: 71

Points: 20 -> 35

Lien: 85,900


Ok so far everything is good from how things are and I'm finally beginning to see the results of my training and my stats are showing.

Now then let's see about the whole new shop function. Opening up my window I saw the new function SHOP on it as I pressed the button before actually activating it.

After I began to press it I saw a window pop up about what it provides.


SHOP - The ability to get any item or skill books RWBY related that is within the lore of the world or the ability to buy skill book semblances. Special offers prices during the GAMER allies or himself during special days examples holidays or birthdays.

LUCK stat will determine the number of GOODS being produced.



I wonder what the SHOP stats meant about my LUCK will determine the GOODS being produced. Well… how about I see what it means to shop maybe I can get some stuff for me to use.

Now let's see what can I get from here…

Next chapter