
In Her Bedroom (Pt 7 - R18)

Jingwei continued to talk, even as he fucked her with the ferocity of an animal.

"So fucking sexy, you're going to kill me." Jingwei grunted out. "How can you even do this easily?"

"I stretch! You can… ah… learn…" Xue Ning managed to moan out in reply as she dug her nails into Jingwei's back, clawing him. If she had a more coherent mind, she would have explained how years of martial arts experience could develop a more limber and flexible body that made Jingwei's surprise move possible. 

But since her mind was filled with incoherent thoughts about how much she loved being fucked, all she felt was a pleasant burn, and the increased embarrassment of her new position caused her pussy to gush wetness, making it easier for Jingwei to slide in and out of her. 

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