
A hotel?

"No. It's passable. Not bad but also not spectacular. No one in their right mind would cry over this," Tai Xuan said, rolling his eyes. "Xin Yu, what do you think?"

His wife also took careful sips of the soup, helping herself to the noodles. She shook her head. "It tastes perfectly fine to me. Jingwei did a fine job with the food."

Wei Yan and Ming Guang also took their meals, and parroted similar sentiments, which left Jingwei in even more confusion.

"Maybe your soup makes parents cry," Xue Ning said, "but I still think your cooking is good. So don't look so depressed!" 

"Thanks Xue Ning," Jingwei replied with a watery smile as he immediately cuddled her, uncaring of the disgusted look on his future brother-in-law's face as he did so.

"Why must you guys do this in front of me?" Tai Xuan lamented.

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