
Once I Was 13 Years Old Part 2

At Jingwei's frantic exclamation, Zi Long immediately dropped Ding Er Tai's body on the floor without a second notice. It landed with a loud thump, and Er Tai let out a pained moan. But he was ignored as Zi Long quickly rushed over to dab at Shang Jing's upper lip, his face worried while Jingwei fretted, hovering in the background. 

"Are you feeling okay?" Jingwei asked anxiously as he wrung his fingers. 

"I'm fine, stop worrying."

"How can I not? You're practically my second brother!" Jingwei said, and Shang Jing paused, his heart stuttering in his chest at Jingwei's easy admission. Jingwei thought of him as a brother. "Let's go get ice cream for that lip, and then we can try to hack into the bank again."

"You just want ice cream," Shang Jing croaked out weakly, his heart still beating unsteadily. This was happening more often whenever Jingwei did something or said something, and Shang Jing didn't like it one bit! 

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