
I Don't Mind It

'She is really Ashber's Reincarnation, I thought that they just looked alike or I just wanted to think that, Yeah that is it. But Apophis confirmed it that she indeed is, I don't know what to do.' Yuuya sighed heavily looking at the sky even though his mind was in turmoil even though his face didn't reflect any of it.

'I lost my heart trying to find my way through all that conflict and it just got harder and harder to gain it back the further I went down that path. My heart feels cold, maybe I'm just an idiot, it took so long for me to figure out. That I was drowning in the deep end, Even though there were some people who wanted to save me, I just ignored them for so long out of my own inability to move on,' Yuuya thought looking at the sky that was still dark after the clouds covered the sky.

'Always thought I knew my true purpose, But it just didn't feel right after I achieved it I never felt like I gained anything, I always had this sense of loss in my heart. I just kept falling deeper and deeper into the abyss of my past the further I tried to run from it. Even when I try to understand it, it just becomes worse which caused me to stop paying attention to it closing myself off... Even though I knew what I need to do, I just couldn't seem to move towards it. I…...' Yuuya then started walking slowly again in the dim corridor after standing there under the dark sky for some time leaving his thoughts in the air.

After reaching the living room he saw that it was only Apophis and Grayfia sitting on the sofa.

"You finally finished your shower? Marin went home because it was getting late." Apophis said.

"Ok," Yuuya just nodded and sat down on the sofa.

"Master, are you feeling alright?" Grayfia asked with worry in her eyes even though Apophis told her not to worry.

"I am fine, so don't worry about it," Yuuya said in his normal tone.

Grayfia sighed as she had heard it from him she could feel a bit relieved.

"Master, here I made some sweets for you," Grayfia said with a smile and placed the tray that appeared out of thin air in front of Yuuya it was filled with Baby castellas with different fillings like chocolate, white chocolate, jams of different types, and green tea ones as well.

"Grayfia I call for favoritism here. Why was it only chocolate for me?" Apophis wasn't having it as she looked at Grayfia.

"Cough* I didn't know what type Master liked so I made a lot of different types and the fillings were limited as well." Grayfia just coughed and avoided looking at Apophis.

"Why do I feel like if it wasn't for Ash I won't even get food here?" Apophis said feeling complicated.

"It isn't like that, I would make food for Apophis-san as well," Grayfia said while smiling a bit.

Yuuya just looked at the two and just picked up the baby castella eating slowly.

'….Tasty,' Yuuya thought and ate at a slow pace leaving the other two.

"Hey, don't eat all of them," Apophis said as she jumped at Yuuya eating the baby castella in his hand.

"Umm, this is so tasty. Wait a minute." Apophis suddenly looked at the tray and saw all the baby castellas were perfect in both shape and size then looked back at Grayfia who was sweating a bit under her gaze.

"Grayfia did you just feed me and Marin the ones that didn't come out good." She remembered eating a few that were misshaped or a bit big or small but they were good so she didn't mind it.

"…That is just your imagination Apophis-san. I did no such thing." Grayfia said with a straight face.

'It was hard to make them because I was worried about Master, b-but there is no way I can say that.' Grayfia thought as she glanced at Yuuya who was eating slowly.

When Yuuya looked at her, his gaze caused a light blush to appear on her face. She looked at Yuuya like she was asking for his help with the situation because she knew it was her fault and she can't see a way out.

"Grayfia darling this has crossed the line, THERE WILL BE A BLOOD-HUP*" Just as Apophis was in the middle of her passionate speech Yuuya stuffed a baby castella in her mouth shutting her up.

"Don't shout and eat," Yuuya said looking at the stunned Apophis who started chewing while pouting.

"GULP* Come on Ash, do you have to be so rough with me? Even though I don't mind, you can feed me more affectionately you know. It doesn't hurt to treat a lady gently," Apophis said, and after she finished eating she shook Yuuya by his shoulders.

'What did I just get myself into?' Yuuya thought regretting his previous decision but shook his head after he saw that Apophis wasn't stopping.

"Like this," Yuuya said moving his hand and moving the baby castella towards Apophis's mouth.

"Now we are talking." Apophis smiled moving forward by placing her hands down on the sofa in front of her causing her boobs to squeeze between her hands. she lowered her head down to the level of Yuuya's hand and ate the baby castella as seductively as it can get while touching his fingers with her lips in the process.

"Yum, I don't why But it tastes so good. Oh, you have some chocolate on your fingers." Apophis said moving her pink tongue and licking the chocolate off Yuuya's fingers sensuously while looking into his eyes.

"This is the reason I just stuffed it in your mouth before," Yuuya said as he moved his hand away because Apophis just continued even after his fingers were already licked clean.

"MY MY, Choice of words Honey, But I don't mind it," Apophis said in her sensuous tone and mischievous smile as she licked her pink lips.

Yuuya just didn't bother answering or more like he didn't know what to say as his words were a bit misleading.

Apophis smiled looking at Yuuya who was eating Baby castellas without saying anything.

'What just happened here? Am I dreaming? No, I must be.' Grayfia wasn't able to make heads and tails out of the situation as her mind was jumbled after she saw how Yuuya fed Apophis.

'I... I want that, I can't believe I helped Apophis-san in this way. Is this karma?' Grayfia was a bit sad that it wasn't her that got to eat from Yuuya's hand.

Unknowing to her, her face reflected her sadness and it was caught by both Yuuya and Apophis the latter smiling in her mind and the former just didn't know what to do at this point.

"Grayfia," Yuuya called out.

"Y-yes master," Grayfia broke out of her thoughts and went near him she was still sad but she needed to tend to her Master first the rest comes afterward.

"Do you need something master?" Grayfia asked with her normal smile but her eyes had a little sadness when she saw how Apophis was smirking.

"Here," Yuuya said moving his hand signaling for her to come closer.

"Umm, is something wrong mast-?!" Grayfia who was moving closer to Yuuya was stunned when she saw the Baby castella in front of her.

'W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-ait,' And Grayfia.exe has stopped working.

Grayfia was stunned when she saw this.

"Grayfia?" Yuuya asked breaking her out of her daze.

"M-Master, I-Is this?" Grayfia asked as her face reddened.

"Hmm," Yuuya nodded and moved his hand towards her mouth.

She shyly opened her mouth while closing her eyes and Yuuya fed her the baby castella slowly as his finger touched her soft lips slightly.

"Umm, This is really tasty," Grayfia said with a smile while blushing furiously.

'You made it yourself why are you surprised it tastes good? Well, I'll cut her some slack.' Apophis just shrugged and looked at Yuuya who started eating again and then at Grayfia who was still in a daze while blushing.

After finishing the Baby castellas Yuuya stood up and looked at the clock.

"Where are you going, Ash?" Apophis asked.

"To sleep, Good night Grayfia," Yuuya said.

"Good night Master~~," Grayfia said with a smile and she looked really happy forgetting everything that happened today as the image of Yuuya feeding her replayed in her mind making her feel butterflies in her stomach.

'Look at this SIMP, well I am no better.' Apophis pouted but felt a bit angry that she didn't get to eat more.

'Whatever that isn't the main concern,' Apophis thought as she looked at Yuuya's back and couldn't help but worry about him.

Yuuya just walked back to his room slowly.

"WOOF! WOOF!" Hati came running suddenly causing Yuuya to stop and look at her who was rubbing her head at his leg.

"Where have you been?" Yuuya asked because this little kid has been missing for some time.

"WOOF!!" Hati just woofed implying she was just around the house.

"Ok," Yuuya picked her up and entered his bedroom after placing Hati on the bed he lay down on his back looking at the ceiling.

Hati just laid down on his right side ready to sleep. So Yuuya turned off the lights and closed his eyes falling asleep.

After a few hours, the door of Yuuya's room opened and Apophis walked inside closing the door behind her.


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