
Stuffed Animals

The day went by relatively quickly, but Dante wished it would've gone by slower. Or well, he could've made the day go by slower and he was half tempted to, but he ultimately decided against doing that.

Dante isn't like other parents who find it bothersome to take care of a newborn. It could even be said that he enjoys doing it, so long as it's his daughter he's taking care of.

Little Ava was also didn't do anything out of the ordinary and mostly ate and slept on her first day of being born.

Day two seemed to be a bit different though as Dante noticed that Ava has fully opened her eyes on this day. She didn't start the day off by crying but was instead looking around curiously.

Dante was ecstatic seeing his daughter finally doing something other than crying and sleeping!

The first thing he did was bring her over to the stuffed animals! How could he not? He made so many of them, so of course, he has to show them off!

He walked to a nearby room in the cabin and as soon as he opened the door, it was like a sea of stuffed animals. The room was filled with them!

There was just something that was a bit… unique… with the stuffed 'animals'. Erm, they were animals for the most part.

In between the Fox and Phoenix stuffed animals, there were also 'Dante' stuffed toys. Yeah, that's right. Dante made a bunch of stuffed Dantes!

"Hahaha! I'm finally able to show off my masterpieces! Well, what do you think, Little Ava? Look, look, you see who that is over there? Well, I'll give you a hint just in case you can't tell. That's me! Hahaha! How could I let those filthy beasts steal the limelight?! Your Daddy is infinitely times better than them!"

Dante laughed with a proud expression as he brought a stuffed 'Dante' up to his face and showed it off to Little Ava.

Ava stared at Dante for a bit before reaching her little baby hands out towards him.

"Haha! I knew my Little Ava loved me the most!"

Dante laughed and handed over the 'Dante' toy to Little Ava.

Ava grasped the toy in her hands and held onto it for a few seconds before dropping it…


And then she started to cry.

Dante's proud expression froze and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

His daughter dropped him? Why? Doesn't she love me? What did I do to deserve this treatment??

"Or maybe she only likes the real me… Yeah! That must be it! Haha! A stuffed version of me can't even encapsulate 1% of my greatness. It's to the point where if it's not the real thing, my daughter doesn't want it! As expected of me! Very well then beasts, rejoice! For I will allow you to entertain my daughter!"

Dante laughed with a narcissistic expression. He carried his crying daughter over to the other stuffed animals.

Naturally, he didn't only create Foxes and Phoenix, but he made bears, dragons, turtles, tigers, cats, snakes, wolves, and many other types.

He would introduce every animal one by one and if she cried or seemed a bit uninterested in one then he'd move on to another.

After a few minutes of showing off his creations, Dante had a good understanding of what types of animals his daughter likes.

Her favorites seemed to be the Wolves, Foxes, and the Unicorn. Dante was fairly satisfied with these choices because he honestly doesn't mind those beasts. The wolves have created a society that he can respect. Foxes aren't braindead beasts and he can actually have a decent conversation with them. And Unicorns are kind of similar to him. They prefer to be alone and travel from place to place. They are also incredibly hard to find and if you ever do end up in their territory, you'll most likely die before you can even spot it. Dante's learned this from experience as he almost died to one back in his cultivation days.

They are also primarily female which Dante prefers. I mean, what man would rather be around a bunch of stinky men or a beautiful woman?

All in all, Dante is glad that at least his daughter doesn't seem to like Dragons, Bears, or any aquatic creatures. Those are Dante's least favorite beasts! As mentioned previously, Dragons are just a bunch of stinky old men with terrible and unreasonable personalities! Bears are fucking idiots! And aquatic creatures are just slimy and gross! Mermaids are… meh, but they are way too lustful for Dante's liking.

His past ignorant self almost got honey-trapped by these Sea Succubi! He was searching for something that happened to be in the ocean and that's when he heard the call of a mermaid. The mermaid was singing and the words of her song just happened to mention the item that he needed.

Seeing how it was a beautiful woman singing, he let down his guard slightly and walked over to her to ask about the item he needed. The mermaid brought him back to her little sea village and that's when a bunch of them popped out of nowhere and started releasing their aphrodisiac pheromones! By the time he regained his senses, they already had his pants down and he was about to 'Part the Pink Sea' with his staff.

How could he lose his chance at immortality (his virginity) to these damn sex fish?! Luckily he reacted fast enough and killed off that entire village or else the consequences would've been catastrophic! Well, they were for that mermaid village, but they deserved it! How dare they try and taint his pure body?!

Just thinking about that time makes Dante mad!

Dante turned over to look at his daughter and seeing her holding onto a fox and a unicorn, he smiled. Then he secretly destroyed all of the mermaid stuffed animals he made.


Dante was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard an angelic laugh come from his daughter. He saw his daughter smashing the two animals in her hands together while laughing with a goofy smile on her face.

Dante felt his heart melt at this scene and he couldn't help but feel all of his worries and thoughts vanish at the sound of Little Ava's laugh.

"Ahh, what a great start to the day."

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