
Ch 76:- Your Bro knows the plot *cough* I mean the future

When her eyes met Cia's for a brief second, Layla was quite pleased to see someone was waiting for her when Erin had disappeared and left them. It felt like she had no one to lean on, no one to confide in. Erin had been the strong figure that Layla wished she could be, and yet it was something she would never be able to achieve.

However, when she disappeared, Layla was a little lost. She had Quinn, but after finding out she was with Pure, their bond was a little broken. There was also the fact that Vorden would constantly get in between the two and kept trying to fracture that relationship.

In the middle of all these events that surrounded her, there was a little ray of hope, and that was Cia. After the last portal expedition, she had seen a scared little side to Cia during that time, and how she tried to maintain a safe distance from Quinn and others, as if worried seeing it she saw a version of herself in her.

This time, she would be a pillar of support for Cia. That was until the words spoken out of her mouth were like a thousand knives that had been stabbed right in her back. There was a straight look on the young woman's face; her tone was serious, but there was a tinge of amusement, curiosity, and fear in her voice. "I've been waiting for you, Agent 100," Cia greeted with a straight face.

There was now no doubt in her mind. There were only two groups of people that knew her identity: Pure and Quinn's group. However, what Quinn's group didn't know was her agent number, and her ranking had recently just dropped as well. The fact that Cia knew this confirmed that she was part of Pure herself. "I know you might be shocked, but it was all because of Agent Five," Cia explained.

Agent Five, this meant Cia being close to her was all of her mother's doing. Suddenly, a realization was coming into her head. From the very beginning, since she had entered the academy, Cia had been her roommate. They had specifically told Layla that she was the only agent sent to military base two. 'Was everything a lie?' Now she didn't know what to believe. Was her new friendship with Cia fake? Was her acting scared was nothing but an act? What was worse was how much did she already know, and how much were they reporting back to Pure?

Her own mother hadn't trusted her to even complete a mission like this, that they had to send backup to look after her. When there was a bond of trust, it went two ways, but her whole life, it had always been one-sided. She trusted her mother with the Pure's true intentions even though she had so many questions. She trusted her mother when going through her hellish training that felt like torture. She trusted her mother when she had told her life would be better in the future. Yet, she didn't trust Layla. After everything that had happened so far, something had snapped inside Layla.

Layla walked right past Cia, ignoring her. "Wait, what are you doing, Agent 100?" Cia asked, trying to make herself sound a little shocked. "Don't call me that; I'm not a number!" She shouted back. "I have a name, and I have a pretty good one."

"Yeah, I know it, and I don't want to, but what I am doing is good. It's character development, and I only hope that this character development doesn't go down the drain like I saw in the dream. But I guess I should have consulted Rayne before making such a rash decision," Cia mumbled under her breath, having doubts if she should have done this in the first place.

At that moment, the automatic doors to the hotel lobby opened, and in walked Quinn and the other boys. They immediately could see her bloodshot red eyes but had mistaken them for sadness instead of anger. "Are you okay, Layla? What's wrong?" Quinn said as he rushed over, placing his hand on her forehead, checking if she was all okay.

"Idiot. Why didn't you come sooner?" She said. "And your hand's cold." At this moment, the full waterworks had come out, as tears of a waterfall started to fall, and her head was now laying deep into Quinn's chest.

"Hug her, dude," Fex whispered in his ear, while the other two boys pretended to look away and whistle.

Rayne looked in Cia's direction, and from the look of it, it seemed like she had once again made a decision about her premonition without telling.

Not knowing what to do in this type of situation, Quinn listened to Fex's advice and gave a strong and firm hug to Layla as he tried to calm her down. "Quinn!" She cried. "I don't want to be useless anymore…. I don't."

"Layla, when have I ever said you were useless?" Quinn replied. At this point, Vorden had decided to step away, knowing full well he had said that a few times. "You have done nothing but helped me from day one," he replied back.

Cia looked in Rayne's direction, as if asking what to do. Rayne just glared. Cia sighed before continuing on with her script that she made, feeling that she missed something. She immediately took the script she wrote and looked at it, seeing what her next dialogue was supposed to be.

"Layla," she tried calling out.

"Go away! Go away!" She screamed.

At this point, the others noticed that Cia was standing behind her. And seeing this strange reaction, Vorden started to wonder. He found it strange that Layla had broken down like this over the event. Sure, she would be upset, but was it really such a big deal?

"Hey, she clearly doesn't like you being here. So just scram," Vorden said.

"I can do what the hell I want," Cia snapped back. "You're not my boss, and you're not a teacher," she said as she continued to walk forward.

"Just remember, I know about your secret, and yours," she said as she pointed at both Fex and Quinn.

Sam, who was currently a bystander at this point, didn't have a clue what was happening and was finding it hard to follow along. While Selene just excused herself a few minutes ago when her father called her. "It's like I've been transported in the middle of a soap opera while still in the middle of the season," he thought.

Cia continued to walk forward, not caring about anything. However, after a few steps, she suddenly could no longer move. Something seemed to be restricting her movements completely. Then a breath was felt behind her neck.

"I would like to see you just try to tell anyone about that," Vorden said in a sinister voice; it was the first time she had heard him speak like that. When trying to look down, she could see his hand pressed against her throat, with nothing but a chopstick pointed at it. Perhaps others would have laughed, but Cia knew not to judge like that; she had seen very well during her training how mundane items could also be turned into weapons of deadly fatality.

Then, when looking ahead, she could see another person who had his hand held out steady, with all his fingers pointed.

"Now why would you choose to threaten us?" Fex said. When hearing the words she spoke, he felt like this was the worst time for anything to be revealed. If the humans had found out what he had transported into, not even his sister, Silver, would be able to save him.

That's why the instant she had moved forward and made the threat, he had activated his strings to hold her in place, at the same time he immediately saw Vorden and the move and carefully made sure to allow the strings to not restrict any of his movements. However, Fex soon realized he didn't need to do much, as it seemed like Vorden was able to see and move away from the strings via his own accord.

"He's a skillful one."

At this point, Layla had nearly stopped crying, Quinn still had her held in his hands. She pushed away slightly from his chest and looked up into his eyes. "Quinn, please, I don't want to go back to them," Layla said. "I want you to turn me. I want to stay with you. I want to be stronger."

To Sam, it looked like Layla had just made some type of confession. Although it sounded weird based on everything that happened, it was the only thing he could think of. At that moment he heard a snap, and a soothing voice spoke, "Bro, they are totally confessing. I think you should go now; don't want it to be awkward, do we," Rayne said, his eyes glowing as he used a combination of mind trick and influence on him.

"Yeah, I agree. Excuse me, then," Sam said as he made his way away from the group.

"Very well," Quinn replied, said with hesitance, especially after what had taken place with Peter so far. But what happened with him didn't mean the same would happen with everyone. After all, his own life had changed quite a bit, and Layla was in a troubling situation. He had already figured when she had said she didn't want to go back to them. That being with them was preferable than to Pure.

Quinn placed both of his hands on top of Layla's shoulders and moved her off slightly to the side. Hearing Quinn agree to turn had made her overjoyed, and the sad emotion that filled her was starting to disappear; perhaps this was the big change she needed in her life. "Thank you," she said as she sniffled a little bit and rubbed away the last few tears.

At that moment, an announcement was made, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the fighting event will soon begin!" The speakers announced. The sound of the crowd outside beginning to move was heard. The crowd cheered louder than before, and it could even be heard from the back of the hotel lobby where the group were at.

This announcement and reaction made it clear it was the most anticipated event even out of the main three. "Well, why don't you guys go? I am guessing you would be wanting to see it after all Peter is participating in it," Rayne said. "And I will be dealing with her," letting out a little bit of his aura, making all of them shiver as the temperature dropped.

All of them looked at each other before looking at Rayne, who only gave them a nod, reassuring them. They knew Rayne was capable and would be able to handle the situation. As everyone left the hotel lobby, the only ones present there were Rayne and Cia, both looking at each other intently as if they would kill each other before their bodies started shaking before breaking into hysterical laughter.

"Haha haha... haha..." both laughing in unison, it looked like some evil anime protagonist laughter. "That was good," Rayne said, laughing. "Really never really thought I would be able to pull it off," Cia said with pride.

The next moment, Rayne was pulling on her ears. "Ouch... that hurts," Cia exclaimed.

"You should have thought about it before doing whatever you did. Couldn't you have at least talked with me?" Rayne said.

"Sorry, but hear me out ouch... I had a premonition, and a long one. Just hear me out," Cia said.

"Speak up if it doesn't satisfy me; then prepare for the punishment that will come," Rayne said in a faux angry tone.

"Okay, okay, so this is what happened..." Cia said before recounting all the things that she saw in her dream. As Rayne heard it, the more bewildered and shocked he became. Hours later, Cia had finally completed telling Rayne everything she could remember from her dream.

"So you are telling that after being struck by that lightning in the dream, you then somehow had a premonition from the perspective of an omniscient reader," Rayne said as if it was hard to believe what he had just heard.

"Yeah, that is it. You don't believe me?" Cia said.

"No, I believe you, but it is just hard..." Rayne said, replaying the whole conversation in his mind before realizing something. "Holy shit, this can't be happening," said in panicking voice. He immediately took out a pen and paper from his inventory before drawing some symbols on it and then presenting it to her.

She seeing it furrowed her brows before using her finger to get a feel of the writing. "Arcana?" Cia said looking at Rayne with a questioning gaze.

"Hmm, it seems like when I performed the ritual to create a blood contra...." Rayne started mumbling, devolving into unintelligible sound.

"What?" Cia said.

"Nothing. Oh, and if you meet anyone like Layla or anyone, just act as if you don't remember anything that happened, and I would like if you retire to your room. And also take this," Rayne said, summoning three books from his inventory and handing them to her. "The only guess I can make right now is that her ability is affecting her mind and soul, and my blood may have something to do with it, hmm."

"Okay then bye," Rayne said, but Cia didn't move; she stood there. "Now what?"

Cia motioned to her mouth; sighing, Rayne rolled up his sleeve, presenting his forearm to her. She immediately leaped for it and bit his hand, starting to drink his blood. "Okay, now go," Rayen said, yanking back his arm, which was still bleeding.

Hopping in her every step, Cia made her way back to her room. Rayne saw her retreating back before his eyes fell upon his bleeding hand. He wanted to give it a lick; it had been more than three weeks since he had drunk blood, and the sight of his own blood was drawing him. He immediately shook off the feeling before taking out a tissue from his inventory and wiping his hand clean before throwing it in the dustbin. "Sigh, life is so hard," Rayne said before making his way out to the arena before deciding to retire to his room for a short while to process and make future plan after hearing what Cia told him.

"Let's meditate," Rayne said, sitting on his bed and immediately slipped into a meditative trance.


And for those who are wondering he doesn't know the full plot just partial plot because as I said above Cia became some short of omniscient being which she totally didn't become she only felt like she became but instead she just super vibed with the mana that is omnipresent which led to her premonition becoming superpowerful and perceive the future in segments, what She saw will be explained in the next chapter.

Just wanted to ask do you want me to write the whole fight event because it will be totally similar to the original one in the book.

Next chapter