
Song (1/4)

"Death Wielder…you need to wake up soon. My Sire is waiting."

Not exactly sure what was happening, Rowan turned inside the darkness of his slumber toward the voice that made him feel like he was falling both toward and away from something at the same time. He remembered walking at Death's side and then this. Nothing in between.

When he answered, he was fairly certain the words were real. "I'm tired."

Ozul responded with more patience than Rowan would have expected from the strange being who'd been mostly indifferent to him until this point.

"Yes, I know. But I can't keep you like this forever. He only allowed it for a short while because I…because he is generous. He wants to speak to you."

Reluctantly Rowan let Ozul pull him from the peace that enveloped him, so warm and quiet after the endless ice of the poison. 

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