
Death’s Discoveries (1/2)

One thing had been bothering Yamm more than anything else since his encounter with the man who housed his son's heart. The death wielder was certainly an acceptable container, much better than Wren deserved with the way he'd been acting when he decided to throw it out. But that was not where Ciprian said he was going to put it.

Rowan's heart wasn't the one that the priest had been desperate to replace, so that part of Wren had no reason to be in his body. It didn't matter if he and his son weren't getting along at this moment. It infuriated Yamm to think that Ciprian had not only lied to him but had also been playing games at his child's expense. Probably at the death wielder's expense, too.

That bastard priest was the cause of all of their problems, and Yamm was going to solve them, one way or another.

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