
247. Asking to Meet

Jasmine was prepared after she got a call from someone, and that person wanted to meet her. She didn't want to see that person because that person said that his meeting should not know this time by Dean. 

However, she felt that the person was completely harmless and finally agreed to meet that person. She also brought Alnona and left it to Miriam and Ivanka, who were not going anywhere today.

"Where are you going?" Miriam asked before Jasmine left the three of them.

"There is someone who wants to meet me. I'll leave Alnona for a while," Jasmine replied. Then she kissed her daughter and walked away from the three of them.

"Miriam, don't you think something odd about her?" Ivanka asked Miriam, who was currently holding Alnona, who was playing with her fingers too.

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