
137. Punishment For Miriam

Miriam looked at the man who was always by Ivanka's side, and she was annoyed with everything Brian said. She was also annoyed that Ivanka always wanted to approach her and didn't seem willing to give up so easily.

"Bring this woman of yours. Tell her to stop trying to be close to me because I don't care," Miriam said coldly.

"I won't come close to you anymore," Ivanka continued. Then she got up and walked away from Miriam's room, and Brian followed her.

"Aren't you going too far with her?" Jasmine asked Miriam.

"You question my attitude towards her? Are you already on her side?" Miriam again asked Jasmine.

Jasmine took a deep breath and then explained to Miriam that she was not on Ivanka's side and Miriam's. She loved Miriam like a little sister and respected Ivanka as her friend's future wife.

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