
100. I Let Him Part 1

Dean waited for Jasmine's answer by looking at his face. He saw that there was some doubt. He knew there might be some guilt for having just given up her innocence to a man who wasn't her husband.

  "Don't think about what happened. Now, will you allow me?" Dean asked Jasmine again, and his wife just kept silent.

That made Dean sigh and then leave, and he intends to get some clothes. After that, he will rest. In Dean's mind, he thought maybe Jasmine wasn't ready for what he wanted. He will always be patient until his wife is ready, and he will not force his will.

Dean stopped his steps when Jasmine held his hand. He looked at his wife and then gave a slight nod. He smiled because it was a sign that Jasmine was ready and permitted him to touch him.

"Are you serious? Because I don't want to force my will on you," Dean asked again to reassure himself.

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