
Too Personal

Despite being on a two-week break, Dave woke up pretty early the next morning, it wasn't really his choice his body was just following the pattern now like a programmed bot.

Emma was still fast asleep beside him with her arm on his body, and after slowly removing her hand from his body, he changed into one of his sports outfits, slid his legs into his running boots, and quickly made his way downstairs.

Since he couldn't go outside now because of the crazy fans now, running laps around his house was now the norm for him.

During normal days, he did it just ten times before jumping straight into the other things he had to do, but today he decided that he was going to triple it.

He was doing pretty fine after completing the tenth lap, but after that, his breathing got a rapid speed up and he began to get slower, but despite that, he kept pushing himself.

[ 25% stamina remaining ]

[ 56/157 Energy ]

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