
Second One

"Looking at the footage again, it does look like Sandro was the one who got to Adolf first and made, and even at that, I don't think that would have been enough to make him fall." Jim expressed after taking a closer look at the footage of the foul.

"Yeah, Jim, that looked like a dive to me, but the referee doesn't seem to care, he thinks it's a penalty and he doesn't look like he's going to take back his words, he's not even going to check VAR." Steve expressed.

A couple of Unique FC players were gathered around the referee trying to convince him to overturn his decision or at least go check VAR, but the referee wasn't listening to them.

In the end, Minino got a red card for saying something he wasn't supposed to say and the penalty was going to stand.

"First booking of the evening, Minino, it's weird that he's gotten a good number of cards just by saying something to the referee," Jim said.

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