
Struck Back

"What happened to your hair?" Mateo asked.

"I knew this was going to be a problem." She said.

"What happened?" Dave asked.

"Clark got me this new shampoo and I didn't know when it was a hair-darkening shampoo until I used it and it turned my hair into this." She explained.

"What are you two getting on her kneck for? Dark hair suits her fine." Emma said.

"I never said that it didn't suit her, the problem is that now there's no way to distinguish the both of you." The winger said.

"We're putting on different clothes," Emilia said.

"Hey, Dave! Mateo! Over here!" Minino yelled as he waved his hands to call the attention of the two.

"We have to go now," Dave said before turning his gaze to Mateo. "We'll see you guys later."

The warm-up carried on until the time hit 3:40 PM, which was when the players were asked to go down the tunnel and get ready for the match.

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