
Tennis Ball Tournament Final (02)

The boys in blue were shocked after witnessing that unstoppable smash from Dave.

"I thought he didn't know how to kick the ball and then he goes ahead and does this." He said before picking up the ball.

"Don't be silly Luis, there's no way anybody would bring someone who doesn't know how to kick the ball to help them win a tournament final." The blonde one said. "We can't lose this game."

"Right," Luis said with a nod before he threw the ball up and joggled it for a while before he sent it to his blonde teammate, Jordi.

Jordi wasn't planning to do anything fancy with the ball and just sent it flying toward the other side with a single touch, it wasn't a powerful kick, it was just a far lob.

"Take that." He said with a grin on his face.

"Oh, no, not that." Diego panicked.

Dave didn't say anything but he knew exactly what to do, he quickly zoomed toward the ball, and just as it was about to hit the floor the second time, he sent it back to Diego with an overhead kick.

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