
Career Info And Records

[ Achievements ]

[ Congratulations on keeping the first clean sheet in your career ]

[ Congratulations on winning the first man of the match award in your career ]

[ You will receive a few rewards for these achievements ]

[ Rewards ]

[ Inventory has been unlocked ]

[ Career info and records have been unlocked ]

[ You will now receive (+10) exp for every training session completed with your teammates ]

'These aren't exactly the kind of rewards I was expecting.'

<What were you expecting, a plus five skill points reward?>


<It's not a quest completed reward and instead of saying the rewards aren't good enough why don't you check them out?> Catherine said. <You can start with the CIR tab above>

'Oh, a new tab.' Dave said subconsciously as he spotted the CIR tab which was circled above and just like Catherine suggested, he decided to check it out.

[ Career info ]

[ Name: Dave Richards ]

[ Age: 21 ]

[ Height: 187 cm ]

[ Position: Goalkeeper ]

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