
Сhapter 44

We reached the border with the Rain country in record time. And two days have not passed since we left our native village, and Natsabushi-sensei has already taken us to one of the border villages, starting collecting information on the location of the gang of bandits we are looking for… At the same time, our presence behind the teacher's backs helped so much in extracting this very information…

Still, after such an intense race, we were dirty, tired and angry Shinobi to the point of grinding our teeth. Ready to kill and maim Shinobi that let out a very tangible background of bloodlust, being ready right now to tear apart especially incomprehensible, slow and just stupid representatives of the human race… Yes, indeed, we have even more clearly shown our attitude to some especially incomprehensible individuals. So, a couple of buggies who didn't like our brave company got an excellent opportunity to show their broken bones to everyone…

Almost a dozen open fractures on the carcass of each of our detractors were more than a visual demonstration of the general mood of our team… And all because of what? And all because of fatigue, moral pumping and the wildest desire for all this to end as soon as possible. Yes, by that time I didn't even doubt that the teacher was torturing us like that on purpose, awakening in us the right mood for an early clash with bandits…

And if such an understanding calmed me at least a little, it helped to keep the boiling blood in check… Then my partners didn't bother with such trifles, letting out a pure thirst for blood and reacting very nervously ... yes, in general, to everything. They didn't rush at me or the teacher, counting on the happiness of their team. Well, or just not wanting to strain too much, which is still unlikely. By that time, the clan kids were kept in line only because of the irritation and rage raging in them…

What was abnormal, abnormal and generally wrong… I understood this more than clearly, but there was nothing I could do. To be honest, I myself was... somewhat unwell. It's hard to say what exactly was wrong. And I didn't think about it, allowing my tired mind and body to rest at least a little, stupidly sticking to our unwitting informants…

But the anger in his chest and just maddening impatience were definitely not something ordinary. I still used to consider myself a fairly calm and balanced person. And I was able to tolerate fatigue with pain just fine, knowing perfectly well that they should not have caused such strong, unusual and too obvious emotions in me…

But, apparently, the stress of the last few days even began to penetrate me. It was hard to control my own impulses and the desire to rush at people for any sideways glance in my direction. Emotions were so shaky, looking for at least some way out, but they did not find it, continuing to accumulate in me and inflame my rage and anger at everything around me more and more. Even my chakra seemed to be boiling in some kind of agonizing expectation, thereby supporting a tired body... but interfering with thinking and controlling emotions.

Fortunately, we didn't have to look for the bandits we needed for a long time. The local gang of thugs did not particularly hide from justice, believing that no one would look for them in the local backwater… Very naive thoughts, because of which our sensei managed to find our goal in record time, while continuing to pump us up morally. It was very successful to pump up, I must say, because even by that time, despite a more or less adequate perception of reality, I was ready almost with my bare hands to tear up the cause of everything our team had previously experienced…

Actually, that's about what happened. Having found a large enough bandit camp in a not too deep ravine, not far from the most frequently used roads in the local area, we did not come up with any particularly complex plans or strategies. Natsubashi-sensei made sure that there was not a single chakra user among the bandits, and our team, simply and without fuss, went to cut out the bandits…

Straightforwardly, without complicated plans or strategies, without any doubts or preparations. We just rushed with kunai at the ready towards the bandits' camp, breaking into that one and arranging a real massacre of the bastards who were not ready for such a thing… No clear resistance. Ordinary people, often barely standing on their feet because of alcohol, or because of lowered pants, simply could not at least oppose something to the trinity of trained geniuses… The genins who went crazy that even forgot about using Shinobi techniques, bleeding their opponents only with the help of kunai and their own fists ... Even Yamanaka was no exception in this regard…

And if at the beginning I still tried to somehow try to control my own behavior, tried to cover my teammates as much as possible, tried to follow the rules of combat hammered into the subcortex of consciousness… I even tried to beat my opponents in vulnerable places, bursting into a crowd of men of frankly bandit and even homeless appearance. But it didn't last long.

At some point, I just lost control of myself, acting on some kind of inertia and just a given algorithm. Even the loss of the weapon did not become a problem for me. Leaving my kunai in the chest of a particularly fat man, I simply began to destroy my own opponents with my bare hands. Still not controlling himself, but still coping with the task at hand…

The bones of other people's vertebrae and skulls cracked under my blows, and I myself did not even pay attention to the blood-soaked face and the horror that was happening around me. Everything blurred into one blurry picture, in which only occasionally flashed the brightest moments of the fight… So, I was unlucky to be the first to break into the largest dugout, where there were almost a dozen... girls and women.

I think it's not necessary to say exactly what state they were in, and how much this picture was imprinted in my mind. And the lowered trousers of some men became quite understandable to themselves… Although, it took me a while to put two and two together. And in general, what was found in that ill-fated dugout did not immediately reach my consciousness… I seemed to be in a completely inadequate state, continuing to nullify the population of local bandits…

Exorbitant physical characteristics, the strengthening and strengthening of my body by the chakra, which has long been included in the category of reflexes, as well as excellent melee skills, which I used on the machine, without even fully realizing my actions… All this simply did not leave ordinary people a chance in the battle with me. I turned into a real death machine, without thinking, and without realizing my actions, but still sending adult men to the next world.

At the same time, this state did not let me go until the very end of the battle ... Only after the opponents were completely gone in my field of vision, some obvious facts, my own emotions and echoes of sensations began to reach me... A raging stream of blood blew into my brain, giving a deafening pulsation to my ears. A real cacophony of smells hit the nose, causing a powerful gag reflex and a sharp darkening in the eyes. What I just couldn't resist, starting to banally vomit bile and gastric juice, crouching in the fetal position…

What happened finally began to reach my mind, and the clear feeling of someone else's blood on my face only intensified a somewhat sudden realization… I began to understand exactly what I was doing just a couple of seconds ago. Images of how I broke the bodies of others without any hesitation and regret, taking their lives, flashed brighter and brighter in my mind, driving me crazy and making my whole body tremble... Yes, this is not how I imagined my first mission From the rank…

But it seems that someone also managed to hurt me… I don't quite understand how exactly, but a chilling feeling somewhere in the area of the left side and a strange bitterness in the mouth are talking about something... Huh, it won't be very cool to die like this. On the first of his serious mission, with his nose buried in the damp earth and not even having the strength to fall on his side normally..

- I think I overdid it a little. - Sensei's even distant voice reached me at a moment when there was simply nothing left to vomit in me, and consciousness inexorably faded away under the pressure of feelings and emotions that had fallen on him. And the weakness, even some otherworldly and incomprehensible to me, did not want to leave... But even so, I was still able to hear and realize the words of the teacher… And also to understand that it was because of this bastard that I was covered so strongly and so clearly that I, without any doubt, rushed naturally to tear people to pieces… How... lousy....

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