
Bloodless Pain

Besides teaching lessons in schools is a complicated thing, for teenagers there is another heel thing that feels so painful, namely the feeling of love. Indeed, in adolescence, it is unpredictable that feelings of love just grow uncontrollably. That's what Reina is currently feeling. Despite being Lee's lover, Reina still feels hurt and jealous when Sebastian is with another girl. Is Reina currently being selfish?

"Why is this feeling so painful? I should focus on studying and not think about love. But now, I'm trapped by my own feelings."

Reina felt sad and sat in the garden behind the school while shedding tears. Why can't life as a teenager be normal and run smoothly according to what you think when you change schools? Why should there be such a confusing feeling of thinking about Lee and Sebastian being weird? Reina doesn't know why she still cares about everything that happens to Sebastian. Even though thinking about Lee also hurts because Lee likes him a lot.

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