
Dear Hugs

"I'm sorry, Lee. Sorry if this is all a misunderstanding and a problem." Reina accompanies Lee in the school health room and treats the bruises on Lee's face.

"It's okay, Regina. I'm actually worried about you. Why is Sebastian so arrogant like that? Did Sebastian torture you too?" Lee thought deep and was afraid that Reina would be tortured by Sebastian.

"Not. Sebastian never did anything bad. Maybe I was just worried because I usually go to school with Sebastian. This is the first time I'm going to school early and not with Sebastian."

"Why did you leave early, Reina? Is there a problem with Aunt or Sebastian at home?" Lee was very worried about Reina's condition that Aunt Shelena or Sebastian might abuse or mistreat her.

"No problem. I'm fine. Lee, does it still hurt? I have given this medicine for bruises on the face."

"I feel much better since the first time I met you. Reina, thank you."

Lee hugged Reina's body just like that made the girl surprised and widen. Lee hugged him lovingly. Lee felt something different after getting to know Reina. Even though Lee was a famous man, Lee had never felt this kind of happiness before. Lee only answered conversations that classmates said so as not to hurt their feelings. But getting to know Reina, it's really something different so Lee wants to always be close to the girl and talk about many of the same things. Lee knew that the other girls in the class didn't like Lee and Reina's closeness. What can I do, Lee is really comfortable with Reina and doesn't want to be away from the girl.

"Lee… Please let go of your arms. I feel uncomfortable. Moreover, many girls in class even in this school like you. I don't want them to misunderstand this. We're not even related, but they think I'm teasing you." Reina dared to push Lee's body to let go of the hug and said the things that had been bothering Reina's mind.

"If I wanted to be your lover, would that be possible? Reina, I know they don't like this closeness, but that's not a reason for us to stay away. I... I like you, Reina. Since first meeting. Do you feel the same way?" Lee ventured to express the feelings that had been on his mind since the first time they met.

Love at first sight, is it really real? Lee really liked Reina. But Reina thought was it just out of pity or was it really love? Or a deep love? They're still teenagers and feelings of love just come and go. Reina doubted Lee's statement.

Instantly, Reina was surprised to see Sebastian who entered the school health room. Sebastian looked at Reina with a look that couldn't be interpreted as a sign of something. Reina felt confused and it was impossible to answer Lee's question at this time. Reina felt something was wrong and couldn't accept Lee. Is Reina's feeling because she's afraid of Sebastian or is it because she likes Sebastian and doesn't want to make him jealous? Reina didn't understand at all and was confused by the feelings she had inside herself.

"Lee, sorry, I need to go to the bathroom for a bit."

Reina stood up from her seat and left Lee to meet Sebastian. Reina didn't want Sebastian to fuss with Lee like this morning. When he came out of the school health room, Sebastian immediately grabbed Reina's hand to go to the park behind the school.

"Why are you doing this?" Sebastian asked Reina.

"Do what? I have nothing with Lee. I'm just helping Lee treat the wound because he feels guilty for your fighting. Is this also my fault?" Reina feels annoyed being blamed continuously by Sebastian.

"I am jealous. I was hurt too, but you ignored me."

"Sorry… I didn't mean to ignore you, Sebastian."

"You just ignored me."

Sebastian lowered his head and felt sad. The meeting with Reina makes Sebastian's senses even more crazy. Even today it seemed like it was going slow because Reina left for school early and avoided Sebastian.

"Sebastian, which part of your body is injured? I'll help treat it."

Sebastian immediately took Reina's hand and brought the soft hand to Sebastian's broad chest while saying, "Here. Right in my heart that hurts when you're close to another man."

That sentence made Reina feel even more awkward. Reina's heartbeat is also increasingly erratic. Why does that feeling always exist with Sebastian? Does Reina like Sebastian more than a cousin?

The incident at that time was seen by Lee from a distance. Lee felt suspicious because Reina went to the bathroom for a long time and the direction to walk out of the infirmary was not to the bathroom but to the garden behind the school. Lee felt confused seeing Sebastian and Reina. Aren't they cousins? Why does Sebastian act like he's more than just a cousin?

"Reina… I love you. I want to get to you and protect you forever. Whoever it is, I won't let anyone hurt your feelings. Especially to the point of toying with your feelings." Lee thought Sebastian would hurt or play with Reina's feelings.

That day, something happened to Lee, Reina, and Sebastian. The three of them are lost in their own thoughts about feelings and love. Will this be a love triangle? While Reina is still not sure what feelings arise every time she is with Sebastian and at this time there is Lee who is attentive to Reina.

In the afternoon, Reina goes home with Sebastian so that it doesn't become a problem. Lee didn't blame it because Reina had said she didn't want any more chaos at school for fear that there would be trouble and Aunt Shelena would be angry. Lee understood that and tried to contain his jealousy seeing Reina come home with Sebastian.

Sebastian and Reina go home together on the bus because Reina is tired of walking together. Sebastian took the bus for the first time home from school and immediately became the center of attention of students from the same school or different schools. Reina is beautiful and sweet, slim body, and smooth white skin. Surely the boys like Reina. Sebastian is well built, handsome, and cool. The girls must have liked Sebastian. They look like a perfect couple if they don't know their social status, they are cousins.

"This is the reason I don't want to take the bus. Surely the disciples are looking at us. You are too Beautiful." Sebastian whispered to Reina.

"I'm not very pretty. They look at you who are handsome and have a stout body. Which student is burly? Just a little, you are rare!" Reina actually said frankly about her thoughts all this time.

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