
chapter 174 Help at last

It was obvious his greed and had been satisfied from the gains he had made from doubling as a spy and as the head of logistics at the Purple Sect. Serpent chuckled to himself as he remembered that he was one of those who had benefited greatly from the fat man's greed.

Serpent had been enjoying himself and for a moment, he had forgotten the misfortune that had befallen him. But reality soon dawned on him again with a coldness and he was forced to deal with it.

Upon Serpent's arrival, Fatty had hurriedly chased out his harem of ladies and entertained Serpent. While Serpent drank heavily and took in his environment, Fatty chatted away. Like one whose hobby was talking, Fatty rambled on and on not minding the fact that his guest had been silent. When Serpent finally decided to start paying attention, he discovered that the fat man was addressing one very interesting topic;

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