
chapter 70 Been Underground Already

During the time when Zhang Jian had been massaging Wang Yan in the hut, Cerberus and the Black Phoenix King had gone a few rounds against each other at their battlefield without killing each other.

The only difference was that now there was an audience to watch them now. Previously the fight had started with no witnesses but the commotion they had caused with their immense power had attracted the beasts to the place. At one side the subordinates of the Black Phoenix King were encouraging it to fight harder and win while on the other side; well Cerberus was retorting for himself since there was no one to fight his verbal battles for him.

"You can be as happy as you want right now. Cheer yourselves up after all there is no guarantee how long you stupid birds are going to live. Mistress does like a stewed bird after working on her cultivation…hahaha"

This retort from Cerberus caused all the beasts who were merrily cheering to shut up at once.

Since Cerberus had struck where it hurt the most for the Phoenixes, the Black Phoenix King went berserk and revealed its true power. The heat that it had begun to release was about to immolate everything around it to oblivion.

Seeing that it was about to be in a hell lot of pain if it continued to suppress its true strength, Cerberus went all out as well.

There was no way it was going to take the beating lying down when it could retaliate. The thoughts about keeping the fight away from Zhang Jian's ears were thrown out the window the second they decided to go all out.

Even someone deaf and dumb could hear the commotion they were causing let alone Zhang Jian. They were lucky that Zhang Jian had been giving Wang Yan a massage at that time.

Black Phoenix King let out a breath full of black flames that incinerated everything in their way. Cerberus turned red with anger but had to respond in kind too. As such it started gathering its qi which resulted in no output of qi to be sensed by the opponent.

Seeing that Cerberus had stopped doing anything and had closed its eyes, Black Phoenix King thought that it had given up after facing its full power head on and was waiting for its death.

As it was about to stop spewing anymore flame, something strange happened that had never happened before. They had fought countless times before but it had never seen anything like it in Cerberus' arsenal.

Cerberus started growing larger in size and its fur grew darker and darker before eventually turning deep grey and its eyes turned scarlet. After the fur color stabilized something even more strange happened, something started to protrude out of it shoulders before eventually solidifying as another head. Cerberus now had two heads instead of just one.

When demonic beasts cultivated to higher stages, there was a chance of mutation. It appeared that Cerberus had touched upon the concept as it was now a two-headed dog that was twice its previous size.

Before the Phoenix flames could have hurt it, its second mouth held its breath and inhaled deeply before releasing the breath in one go. A ripple spread outwards and the fire that came from the Phoenix King split in front of Cerberus before going past it harmlessly from the sides.

The Black Phoenix King stared dumbfounded at the spectacle that had taken place in front of it. It had never imagined that Cerberus could have reached such a level. How could it have gotten so strong?

The answer was quite simple actually.

Cerberus had been eating and living in the hut for much longer than the Phoenix King. If the starting point of both of them was the same then it was quite safe to assume that Cerberus who had been around longer would be quite strong compared to the newcomer Phoenix.

The Phoenix King could not accept the outcome despite knowing clearly that Cerberus was stronger than itself in its mutated form. It charged at Cerberus trying to claw at it with its powerful talons.

As a result another shockwave from Cerberus' second head sent it flying while flailing in the air helplessly.

The direction in which the Phoenix was flying was that of the hut. In their squabble they had forgotten to maintain their distance from the hut so as to not alert Zhang Jian. There was no point regretting it at that point. They were bound to be busted.

If one could have gotten a closer look at Cerberus, it would be possible to see an air of madness and frenzy in its eyes. Cerberus was losing control of itself gradually after the appearance of its second head.

It gave out a loud bark and followed after Phoenix King who had flown in the direction of the hut.

The Pangolin had been keeping an eye on the two of them. As soon as the Phoenix had flown out, it had followed it and had been waiting underground directly below the hut. It could even see the human who had the highest bounty of them all massaging a girl attentively not concerned at all about the spectacle outside.

Before long, Cerberus landed with a loud thud as if a meteor had fallen outside. The berserk Cerberus was in no control of itself. As soon as it fell, the shock shook the land a little.

The fall even helped it sober up a little and it gradually brought the second head under control. The mutated form of Cerberus gradually vanished but the anger in the eyes of Cerberus and the Phoenix King did not dissolve.

They were about to butt heads again while stumbling towards each other when they heard Zhang Jian rushing out of the house gasping and clutching his heart.

Wang Yan was looking towards the door in disappointment where Zhang Jian had just vanished. She had been hoping to get a kiss from him when something fell and Zhang Jian bolted at the first sign.

Their anger and ferocious nature took over and they continued fighting each other despite seeing Zhang Jian. At this point both the Black Phoenix and Cerberus had already used up all their qi and were fighting like normal animals with their claws and bites.

Zhang Jian was furious seeing the two of them fight like that. His face was red not only from anger but also from embarrassment. After all from what he could decipher from her expression, Wang Yan had wanted a kiss from him.

To avoid making a mistake Zhang Jian had bolted at the first sign of trouble but when he came outside, he was absolutely furious to find two of his pets fighting like wild street animals.

Any third party observing the situation would have declared the two of them to be the most miserable party at that point but it would have been wrong since there was another undisputed winner for the title of the unluckiest one.

The Pangolin that had been underground below the hut was stuck after the washbasin had fallen down. The hot water had surrounded it on all sides. One thing to be known about the master bounty hunter was that it had a crippling weakness and that was water. It lost all its mobility after coming into contact with water and that was what had happened to it.

It was panicking below ground while trying to escape its predicament but it couldn't bring its body to move.

It had barely stumbled out of the hut when it found itself directly beneath the fighting beasts. It was frightened out of its mind since it wanted to get away from these monsters now. After encountering water it had grown weaker and couldn't face them now.

Zhang Jian asked them to stop but in the heat of the battle, both of them couldn't stop themselves and continued to tangle with each other. New wounds kept on appearing on their bodies and blood continued to spill and yet they did not want to stop.

Zhang Jian could not keep it in any longer and shouted with all his might and stomped on the ground with enough force to cause the whole mountain to shake.

"If you two don't stop right now, you won't be here tomorrow morning."

It was at that moment that Cerberus and Black Phoenix felt as if their bodies had fallen into a quagmire unable to move at all. Cerberus thought that Zhang Jian might throw it out if it continued while the Black Phoenix thought that it was definitely going to be eaten if it continued.

They had never seen Zhang Jian that angry before and never thought that he would be that fiersome when he did. The force with which he had stomped had almost caused their hearts to burst out of their chests. As such they decided to keep up appearances in front of Zhang Jian and made up in front of him though they did not think so in their hearts.

Seeing that both of them had calmed down and had listened to him, Zhang Jian's fury dissipated and an indifferent expression appeared on his face.

Zhang Jian did not want to speak anymore and went back to the hut. He did not want to be there any longer.

Once again during the entire incident the one to lose the most was the Pangolin who had been hiding under the ground beneath the fighting beasts.

When Zhang Jian had stomped, the force had been so great that the Pangolin hiding under the ground had almost burst into pieces.

Since there was a lot of ground between Zhang Jian and the Pangolin, the force of his stomp had become muffled. Even then only its exterior that had been its strongest part of the body had remained intact.

Rest all of its organs had gotten crushed under the immense power of the stomp.

Poor Pangolin never even exited the ground. It didn't even need to be buried since it had died underground already.

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