
The Search

Editor: Atlas Studios

Qiao Zhuang's eldest daughter-in-law, Liu Ying, and third daughter-in-law, Jiang Ye, hurriedly ran to the road and started asking around for Qiao Yu's whereabouts. If they could not find Qiao Yu, the two of them would have a hard time when they returned home.

"Sister-in-law, do you think Qiao Yu really stole something from someone else and hid it away?" Jiang Ye asked.

"I can't say for sure. In any case, if she didn't do it, why would people talk so much about it? They make it sound like it's real," Liu Ying said after thinking for a long time.

The two of them made their way to the entrance of the village as they could not find Qiao Yu even after searching the entire village. Both women were so tired that they sat under the tree to rest. They still had to continue the search later and if they did not succeed, they would have to go from house to house to ask.

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