
Author's Note

First of all, I'm warning you that I won't drop the story.

But my vacation is over, so the chapters won't come out as often. I have an internship in the morning and college in the night. And the afternoon would be the only free time, but I have to study. I'm in my last year of college.

So I will decrease the frequency, but I will try to keep a good number of words. You may have noticed how the chapters are much bigger now. So I will focus on making larger chapters, even if it takes a long time.

I will also research a little more about Marvel.

And I'll take the opportunity and look again at the chapters already done and make grammatical corrections. I feel my English has improved.

Now about the story...

First I have to say that I never cared about reviews, or anything similar. So much so that I didn't post a review giving this story 5 stars, like other authors do.

But I saw, that on account of the BNHA arc. Many simply gave a 1 star review on the first chapter.

The story has a much worse level than something much worse on this site. haha

I don't care, but I think if it drops below 4 stars, it's goes in the realm of trash fic of this site, then I think maybe I'll migrate to another platform.

I will leave the link if it happens.

Really, below 4 stars is unacceptable for the effort I put in.

Now about the Bnha arc...


I wrote 13 chapters shaping the MC's personality and showing to your guys, in the previous chapters he appears in conflict about the actions he will take in the future. He literally says: "My actions will be downright villainous, but maybe I can redeem myself in the end"

But people just don't want to wait for the story to develop. To end the arc.

They see the MC acting for the P.O.V. of others and do not try to understand that everything can be an act. That maybe he has a plan.

I'm disappointed in the little faith taht your guys have in me.


About Harem. hahahahaha

There's a guy in the reviews who was pretty pissed off about being a harem.

"sorry i ever even read this garbage if I knew it was going to be a massive harem. don't waste your time on this piece of garbage. if I wasn't lazy i'd delete all my "nice" comments on the first 12 chaters it currently has 15"


There was no romantic progression until Lady Nagant. And we won't even know if we'll see her again. The guy wants me to put "harem" in the tag.

Then it would be misleading. But the fanfic is from Gacha. What did you expect?

I know harem is a difficult subject, I will work hard to not look forced and not having women falling for the MC like in 2 seconds. Make more realistic. Maybe with characters reasonable to harem.

I honestly don't plan on a romantic development for a long time in this story.

A fling here, flirting there, yes. But the MC will stay single for a long time.

One proof that the MC isn't a horndog like other MCs is that he hasn't made a move on anyone in the BNHA world. Seriously, you've seen the women of BNHA. Search BNHA cutesexyrobutts and see for yourself.

The fact that Hector kept his head in the game. Proves that He Is a Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will.

Sigma Male Grindset rule #616: Women can come in Gacha, focus in saving the world and become strong.

*Theme plays*

Other 1 star reviews are like:

"man, you just threw everything in the trash with bnha arc..."

"MHA Arc so badddd."

"Things were fairly enjoyable until the author decided to go down the psychopath power collection route instead of progressive gacha gain. Feels like a huge waste of potential, but the MC just feels like discount All For One now.

The effectively decision threw the entire context of the story and threw it in the trash - Meta Essence no longer required, Gacha is a write off since he easily steals whatever power he wants and is thus easily ignored in the plot, heck, they're not even in Marvel anymore!

If you like the common power collection stories where the MC runs around stealing everyone's powers so fast that he could never train them all, then this story is better than average in the category."

That last one is interesting, let me talk about it a little bit.

Would you really trust your power progression on uncertain terms of luck like Gacha??? In the world of Marvel???

The MC saw an opportunity to take power into his own hands, and he used resources given by the Gacha, and he went for it.

The MC is cautious, he went to the world of BNHA to test himself, asshole as it may seem. After all, there would be no consequences for him.

It would be unrealistic for him to settle for just the gacha. Like Superman who is super smart and has alien tech, but he's going to punch people. This bothers me.

If you know how to use magic... Will you totally forget about learning martial arts? Or technology? Just because you are that kind of character.

Plain dumb I would say. A plot device to tie the character in his role, but my fanfic is realistic.

The Gacha is Hector Best tool. But he would be an idiot if he only trusted Gacha.

Another thing. The MC did not receive a guidebook on how everything in Gacha works. He is learning and therefore we are learning with him. That's why I focus on first person P.O.V.

He doesn't know if one day he will be able to return to BNHA. And if I come back it will be the same world. He doesn't know if the world is real. He just has his own assumptions.

He's not perfect.

Perhaps he could have approached the world of BNHA in a different and more effective way.

But it's easy say this now, right?

l speak after something has already been done. Choose the best decisions after seeing the consequences.

Well about the lemon.

I felt like having a lemon in the middle of the chapter, right after the emotional scene with Eri, would be weird so I left it out. But I can write a side-story or interlude.

Will we see Hector return to this Bnha world? hehe

For people who didn't like the arc, wanting to go back feels weird to me now, huh?

Is Lady Nagant truly pregnant? Shouldn't Hector be on guard?

Who knows... It's his first time.

Well... I think that's all. Leave a review of what you think of Bnha arc, to overcome the bad ones. If you like.

For all the people who like this story. Thanks for reading. I will put more effort to make better moments. Stick in the story, or don't. You choice.

I don't know when there will be another chapter. I need to take care of my life for now. Bye.

Stay safe everyone.

Next chapter