
"To be delivered."

"Hey, what is that?"

Mila pointed her finger passed Robert's shoulder while her other hand tugged at Robert's coat to get more of his attention.

She squinted her eyes to see more of the symbols floating freely close to the table and recognized them after.

"Is that Baybayin? Why is there a floating Baybayin over there?"

"Baybayin? What is that?"

Robert asked back as he followed where Mila was pointing, but there was nothing but air.

"Can't you see that writing over there? Is Baybayin used as a writing system here?"

Mila asked Tope and Giro's boss too, but no one seemed to see the letters she was seeing.

"You can't see those? Then what is it?"

Mila took a step back and bumped her back to Robert, while Robert wondered what made Mila panic.

No one could see the writing floating in the air except Mila. It was the most familiar alphabet she had ever seen because it was the writing in her original world.

Next chapter