
Find Joy in Life

Several days after they had returned to Winter, Sadie was allowed to come home. But, unfortunately, Stefan would need to remain in the hospital for another week to ensure his wounds were healed correctly and there were no surprises.

Though they would have preferred their entire family to be home together, Myka and Peter were still grateful to have Sadie with them.

A few days before Stefan could finally join them, Peter had stayed a little later at the hospital with him while Myka had brought Sadie home. They made dinner together, and while they waited for Peter to get home, they made paper decorations to hang in Stefan’s room as a proper welcome.

By the time Peter arrived, they had made a banner, five paper snowflakes, an extensive linked chain, and several drawings to hang on the wall.

“Oh my,” Peter said with a smile as he entered the room. “Did I make a mistake and arrive in an art gallery rather than my home?”

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