
The Last Walls Between Them

Alice sat on the tub's edge and watched as the last of the water flowed down into the drain, rose petals scattered over the copper bottom. As the echoing sound of the water moving into the pipes hung in her ears, she couldn’t help but feel a certain dissatisfaction.

Behind her, the shower's water splashed against the brown and gold tiled floor.

“Water’s perfect,” Axel called from inside.

She stood up from the tub’s edge and looked in at the man she loved, his back facing her as he let the water flow over his body.

Alice chewed her lip as she took a moment to appreciate his form. The strong lines of muscle that decorated his back, the round firmness of his butt. Thick, powerful legs.

While Axel made sure that Alice was left writhing and gripping so tightly to the tub that, for a moment, she thought she had cracked the copper plating. She was still left wanting.

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