
An Unnatural Direction

Powerful beings born of the ley lines and expected to maintain a balance within the world's natural order, the Fae were tasked with protecting the sentient beings that had evolved from the dirt and muck.

But as is the case for all sentient creatures who recognize their power, they grew tired of their task. Boredom and ambition took root inside them and darkened their hearts to the call of the ley lines.

Division among the timeless beings grew broader and more violent. Battles raged all across the world. After more than a century of fighting, all they had succeeded in doing was nearly driving their numbers into extinction.

At this point, those who sought dominion over the world and all her inhabitants were backed into a corner.

Two Queens were all that remained of the leadership of the Fae. One who sought to rule over everything and one that sought to stop her.

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