
She Knew He Would Find It Useful

Another two years passed without seeing him.

Irina only heard about Roman through the whispered conversations among the other wolves. He had leaned harder into his dark impulses since the day that she had sent him away. On more than one occasion, Holden had used him to gather information from those unwilling to share on their own.

There was nothing she could do to stop this or even get word to Roman that she wanted to see him.

Her lake, where she found solace and quiet, no longer provided her with the graceful hum in the air. In recent months it had become something else.

A dissonance that reached down into her soul and touched it with an icy hand.

Every time she listened to the sound, it disturbed her. It left her with a strange itch in her mind, like something was trying to get inside.

But she didn’t stop coming to the lake.

This was the place they had met, where they had laughed. This was where she had known her son.

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