
Request An Escort

“This is a lot of cars,” Bell sighed. She glanced at the mirror to the cars behind and then looked through the windshield at those ahead.

The convoy was made up of more than a dozen cars. Each carried refugees of the fallen lesser packs. A few of the vehicles also held Summer wolves. Pregnant mothers and children too young for school.

“It is,” Axel said, looking out the window at the trees surrounding them. “It’s risky for us all to drive together like this, but splitting up poses its own risk and would have increased the travel time.”

“I know,” Bell said. “I helped with making these arrangements, remember?”

Axel chuckled.

“True,” he looked forward, they were still hours away from Winter, but he could already see the white peaks in the distance. “Another hour or so, and we will be within range to request an escort for the last leg of the journey.”

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