
Anything Interesting

“I am determined to finish this thing by morning,” Caleb sighed.

“Can you do that? It’s already late,” Ashleigh said. “And aren’t you waiting on parts?”

“I was, but they arrived about an hour ago. Now we just need to get them all installed and tested,” he said. “Unfortunately, the section of the fence that needs to be changed out is a bit of a trek. I’m likely going to be out of contact until the morning.”

“Don’t rush yourself,” she said. “That part of the border has some dangerous falls, especially at night.”

“I know. I’ll be careful. We’ve got plenty of floodlights to see what we are doing and where we are going,” he said. “And I already took a suppressant to avoid any distractions.”

“Are you saying I am a distraction?” Ashleigh asked, pretending to be hurt.

“Yes, one I enjoy very much. But I gotta get this done. Staying much longer is going to be a problem.”

“What’s wrong?”

Next chapter