
Shadows of the Past

A message from Saul had cut off their conversation early. Still, even as Axel walked away, Ashleigh felt better about where they stood.

“It will take time and listening to each other,” Lily’s gentle voice whispered in her mind.

Ashleigh turned, unsurprised to find that the world had once again shifted into the slightly altered version of Lily’s Rest.

“Can he hear you?” Ashleigh asked.

“Not like you can,” Lily said. “I can give him impressions, hints. But we can’t speak like you and I do.”

“Is that why he felt drawn here today?”

“He felt drawn here because his heart is raw and he sought comfort from what he sees as the personification of the Goddess’s blessing through the bond,” she sighed, looking around. “And because he dreams of marrying his mate here. But he doesn’t believe it will ever happen.”

Ashleigh looked away.

“But I did call you here because he was already here.”

Ashleigh looked back at Lily.

Next chapter