
A Long Night

When Ashleigh had reached the gates that lead to the forest, she shifted into her wolf immediately.

“Cheater!” Caleb called after her with a hearty laugh.

But then he just stood and watched her run.

He watched the same white wolf he had seen when he was just a child. The one that terrified him, and yet he had felt such a strong pull to help.

She was beautiful.

He walked out into the night and shifted in his wolf. Running toward her, she was already nearing the base of their home away from home.

Caleb howled into the sky, and she paused, turning to look at him.

He howled once more, and she howled in reply.

His heart fluttered, and he ran in another direction into the trees, knowing that she was chasing after him now.

He ran fast and hard, he dove over and under fallen branches, through the bushes, he hid and looked around from time to time. Seeing a flash of white every once in a while.

They kept up their game for an hour, perhaps two.

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