
Think of Another Plan

Once Ashleigh and Caleb had stepped away from the spotlight, the party continued with lots of drinking and music. Corrine had even arranged for a small acrobatic performance.

For his part, Caleb had put on his own performance. Claiming he was worn out from all the day’s activities. Ashleigh volunteered to take him back to his room.

Wyatt and Axel both recommended that Saul should take him back instead.

“Saul has other places to be,” Corrine replied. She gave Saul a warm smile. “If you hurry, you can probably help Pearl lay your pup down for the night.”

Saul smiled appreciatively before giving them a respectful salute and leaving the hall.

“Ashleigh can take Caleb back to his room,” Corrine said. “There is no reason for concern, is there?”

Corrine looked at Caleb pointedly.

“Of course not,” he smiled.

Corrine nodded and wished them both goodnight. Ashleigh took the handles of Caleb’s chair, and they left the hall together.

Next chapter