
Two, Treated as One

Ashleigh had followed the wolf into the trees.

She remembered the large wolf walking directly in front of her. Looking down and seeing the big pawprints in the snow that Ashleigh’s paw could only half-fill. But when she looked up again, there was no wolf, no trees, no snow.

Ashleigh wore a pale blue dress, soft and flowing like a nightgown. Her hair was tied up in a loose braid over her shoulder.

She was sitting in a room whose walls were painted in dark hues of blue, with random spots of white and silver. It took her a moment, but she finally realized she had seen the evening sky. The paint continued onto the ceiling until it met at the center. A large round window let in the moonlight.

Though she knew the full moon had already passed, she was amazed to see it again.

“Our home is always bathed in the full light of the Goddess.”

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