
You Just Have To Accept It

Ashleigh stepped carefully through the mist and fog. Her bare foot touched the soft, cold earth beneath her. Reaching forward, her hand found the bark of a tree.

“Hello?” she called out, only receiving her echo in response.

She tried to look around her, to see anything she recognized at all. It was pointless. The fog was so thick she could hardly see her own hand in front of her.

“Where am I?” she asked herself out loud.

“With me,” a soft voice called back to her.

“Hello?!” Ashleigh called back quickly, her heart picking up the pace. Whether it was from fear or joy that she wasn’t alone, she didn’t know. “Who’s there?”

She quickly changed her positioning. Placing the tree behind her back and adjusting her footing to a more defensive stance. But, looking around, she still saw nothing, heard nothing.

“Come out!” she demanded. Her eyes moved all around her, darting back and forth, trying to catch any sign of movement.

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