
You have more hatred than fear

Chapter 230: You have more hatred than fear


Alex's clashed with his first enemy, Lochan.

[Lochan Lv. 80 HP: 18500 MP: 12040]

His battle started with his black sword landing on the noble's fist. The Dullahan King's sword quality was superb, and the power behind it was simply immense. Yet, Lochan's fist looked sturdy, trembling from the pressure but still holding fair against him.

But as Alex was already a dual-wielder, his other sword promptly followed the first. Carrying a feral wind, Alex's left hand threw a thrust laced with the same abilities.

His opponent blocked the second move with his other free hand. In his usual style, Alex would've distanced himself to go at him again. But with other arms, his reaction was to add another sword to the fray.

Thus, Lochan was actually the one to kick the ground, escaping a few steps behind to reposition.

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