
The God Corpse Is A Treasure Trove!

I didn't just end her life this way, but hit her in the belly with my knee, then stomped over her chest with my foot. She glared in hatred while watching the scissors pass through her chest, consuming tons of bones before a violent explosion occurred.

I was thrown in the air for hundreds of miles. The explosion was so fierce that it turned the sky dark and stained with a tinge of redness for a few weeks.

Then a rain of blood fell. For a reason I felt like such rais wasn't a good thing for anyone, so I gave the order for my forces to retreat and return to surround the enemies.

It was time to put an end to this entire war. [Is it time? For real? We are going to get ourselves freed? Hahahahaha! I'm going to lead everyone now, hahahaha!] Lily was excited, the same like everyone else.

I slowly marched under that heavy rain of blood, heading towards the dead body of Karoline. I was inside my chariot, and nothing could touch me.

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