
Karoline Appears

I personally got hit many times with these explosions. And I could tell you with clear conscience that these explosions really did hurt!

I was safe thanks to my chariot's shield and my personal sacrificial shield and defence. But my forces weren't that safe at all. Once an explosion got triggered, and that happened frequently and without any clear pattern to me, many of my forces would die.

But that didn't stop me from continuing this hellish battle. If anything I lacked, then it wouldn't be warriors for sure.

I started to change the overall tactic a little bit, depending more on those gifted with deadly long ranged attacks or hellish defences. My Fallen Gods, my Avengers, and even my Kings and geared soulers and reapers were all good candidates for this.

Not to mention the long ranged weapons of my research department that created havoc all over the place.

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